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47 Chap. 39. an Expoftion upon the Book of J o le. Vert', 27, Secondly, As to the manner of this motion, its a mounting motion. Note ; The motion of the creature upward, bath much of the com. mardof Godin it. Some have (I know ) mounting motions at the command of the Devil ( the Lord hath the command of them,though they are not commanded by him)that is, the proud imaginations, tige lofty thoughts of man., thefe mounting motions, are not at the com- mand, but againtl the command of the Lord the Lord Cuffers them, but they are from Satan, he puffsmen up, he blows themup with pride. But both the natural mountings of the fenfitive creatures, and the gracious mountings of the new creature on high, are bythe command of God. True believers have loweff or lowlìefi fpirits, yet highefi and noblefl aimes, not grovelling on nor bowing to the earth, but like an Eagle, mounting up on high : As this high flight of the foul is highlypleafnguntoGed, fo 'Lis made by his firength, and at his command. A believer flies high ; Firfi, In the contemplation of divine things.What towering thoughts hath he concerning God, and the concernments of fak vation by Jefus Chrifi ! he is not mingling Ilia foul with the duff, nor mudding it upon the dunghils of this world a As his conver- fationor trade is for things above, fo his mind and meditationis uponthere. Secondly, As he flies high in his contemplation about, fo in his love to,and delire of high things;hedorhnot nakedly contemplate things above, as a Philofopher may do, but he hath thong affeai- ons to, and longings after the enjoyment and poffeflïon of the things that are above ; he is as much on high in his delires and ttonad pi cee- affe&ions; as he is in his fludies and fpecularione. And in both mura hointnir, refpe&s he mounts on high, in the power and at the command '1",i°1" fol" of God ; who, ash; hath taught the Eagle, fo man much more, voluntmerx rlavatarfais, whither , and how far to afcend. And he therefore mightily ïus,feddiri. triumphs over this lower World, hecaufe his foul is lifted up as gente gib- an Eagle,by and upon the wings of divine fupport andacceptation. !evanreDe i. VothÉthe Fagle =tot up et thy command ? Sarin end