Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39, AnExpofition upon theBookof Jo a. Verf.27. 479 andmake her nefi onhigh The Eagle doch tact only mount on high (chat may be from It Sudden overture or occafion) but fbe makes her nefi on high. The word whichwe render en high, signifies feparated, becaufe high places are places feparated fromordinary concourfe. Eagles co- vet to make their mils in places furthefi remote from all accefs both of men and bratls. The belt of high things, fpirituat things, are feparated from this world, they areabove the wtfdom and wayof the world, and that's the reafon why the world can- not bear them. I touch that only from the notation of the word, The Eagle maker her weft onhigh. But Both (he fo, Orob, at thy command ?_ doff thou direól her, where to make her nett or how ? It feems the Lord teachetb birds tomake their ne(ls.The leali bird is direéled by God as well as the Eagle : It is by his counfel that forge birds make their netts very low, and that others ( among which the Eagle efpecially) make their nefls on Oct ejtts high. Pliny faith, no man can reach or couch the Eagles nefi. "MO attigir,. We look and find birds nefis in every bu(h, but who ever found indlcat in the Eagles neft fuch an Eaglesnefl as is here fpoken of?There are. excelctpïnu P rupióurS lín. (I grant)fome Eagles thatmake nefls in high trees,but the Eagle `mo e,go, here intended makes her nefi upon inacceffible rocks. When the Lord would reach the height of mans wifdom, in fetting himfelf above the reach of danger, it fpeaks thus (Prem. 49. x 6.)Thaugb thou ftlioulditmake thy nett as high ae theEagle,Iwill bring theedown from thence,faith the Lord.' Tis a proverbial fpeech,and'cis joyned withJetting oar nefi among theftars,in the 4.v.of the Prophecy of Obadiah.The Idumean.t, with and about whom the Prophet there fpake,dwelt inmountainous place s,and flattered themfelves in the firength and fafety of the country, as if it had all been an Eagles nefi,. The Eagle makes her nefi fohigh that 'cis, as it were, next to the liars. But why Both the Eagle make her nell fo high ? there are two or three reafons given of ir,, by the fearchers of nature. Firfl,For her fafety,high things probably are moll out of danger, there is a height which isvery dangerous, and there is a height that is out of the reach of danger, loch is the height of the Ea files nefi. Secondly