480 . Chap. 39, an.Expofationupon the Boo,E;, cf: J o$. Verf. 28á Secondly, Naturalifls lay, the Eagle makes her nett to high, becaufe the cannot, without force difficulty, raife her Pelf from the earth ; if (he fits low, (he cannot eaf'ly mount up, the kath a heavy bady though a firma wing : and therefore the wifdona of God inflruáls her to make her nett on high,thar the may with that advantage rice out of ir, and mount up from it,The Eagle doth not as the Oftrich, lay her eggs in thedull, or in the fand, but the makes ber.nell in high places, that fo fhe maybe both fate in her nefl, and the fooner rake her flight out of it. Thirdly, The Eagle makes her nett on high, becau f-e there the air is purett, and the is greatly delighted and pleafed,with the purity and fweetnefsof the air. `Daudet CO Fourthly, ' fis Paid allo the Eagle makes her nell on high, be- infrafpeeutN caule fire loves, from thence,as from a watch- tower, to behold serumcopien. and feed her eyes, upon the fair and beautiful face of thehea- vens. In chele four refpels we should be like the Eagle, and make our nell on high. The Eagle doth not only mount high, but makes her nett on high. Some men mount high, that ìs, have high notions and fpeculations, in vv hich they fecal to be rapt up ( as the Apofile once truly was) to the third heavens ; yet they make not their nett on high, they do not abide there, their de- lights are here below, and fo is there nell, the reldenceand refl of their fouls. The net of the rich mans foul, in the Gofpeh was in his full barns. O how many fpeak high, difcourfehigh, profefs highly, heaven-high ; yes, when all's done, their net is capon the earth ; They talk as high as the Eagle mounts, yet their nell is as low as that of the Oflrich, in the dull. Let us remember, as to mount high, fo to make our nell on high. The Apollle could fay (t Phil. 3. ao.) Oar cony r- fation is in heaven ; not only mull We be fpeaking high, but aging on high too we muff fit and brood there, as the Eagle upon her =ft. Let us fay of God, as Mofes the`man of God did in hits prayer (Pfal. 9o. r.) Lord,thou hag been oar dwelling place inall generations; thou art fo, and thou (halt be fo for ever. Thus we are taught, not to imitate the fooli(h O(irich, building our nell in the dutl,but like the nobleEagle(being lifted aap by the mighty power of the holySpirit)makingour nell or tak- ing up our reff inheaven, which is, as the highefl, fo the fafeff place of all, Thus