Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. An Expofition on the Bookof J o B Verf. 28. Thus far of the Eagle in two of her properties. Fiat, Her high flight. Secondly, Her high nett. The third thing fpoken of in this context concerning the Eagle, is the choice of her abode or habitation. Verf. 28. Shedmelleth and abideth on the rock, upon the crag of the rock, and the 'irons place. As the Eagle flyeth very high, fo the abideth on high places. Her abiding fo high, thews the nobility and generofity of her na- ture; (he doth not only mount upon high fometimes, and make Per nett on high in breeding time, but file dwells on high, fhe dwelleth and abideth there. The word which we render abid- eth, fignifieth properly tarrying for a night, or taking up anights- lodging ; but we are not to confine the Eagles abode to a night, to this or that night, here the word notes confiant, continued re- fidence, floe dvelleth and abideth on the rock, there's her place, her palace, there this queen of birds keepsCourt , there the abid- eth, excepting in two cafes. Firft, When floe is minded to mount up and take her pleaCure. Secondly, When fhe flies off to feek her prey, as will appear further in the next verfe, but take her generally there (he abides. Naturalifis describe a fort of Eagles, which chufe, and love to dwell in or inhabit woods, plains,and by the fea Chore ; but the Eaglehere defcribed dwells on the rock, and not only fo, but V pon the crag of the rock. The Hebrea' is, upon the tooth of the rock,. Mafker Broughton renders, In the edge of a rock. The crag of a rock doth much refemble both a tooth and the edge of a rhing ; for 'cis (harp like an edge, and appears in form like a tooth : Now upon that part of the rock, which is mo(t craggy and Rands out like a tooth,thete the Eanle abides, therefhe pearcheth. And Naturallitts tell us, though (he pearches.upon a hard rock, yet (he is very careful of her talons, leaf/ they should be blunted or receive any injury from the hardnefs of the rock, the is very curious of them,know- ing of what ufe they are to her. Thus the abides upon the rock, and upon the crag of the rock; or upon the toothof the rock. It lothnot fatisfie the Eagle to build or abide upon any part of the rock)butthe chufeth that part of it for her habi;ationtwhich is molt Qq g inac- q.8 i Siria aquila r,otum h.tbet inaltum, ita etiam inaltis couverfatur, quodpettine: ad nobilitatem natltrce fua. Aauin. ,1)17iß' à ra= radicé 1117 muffir per naflem unarm pernoflavit. Sola fine clan. gore, finemur- muratiene con- verfatur in montibus.Plin. 1.10. c. 3. Arta 1. 9. ei 32. de natura mama/. yL1 atu Dentera vocat preminentiam; Sia quad pree- rupturn f1 in rupe. brut.