Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. n Expofition upon the BookofJ o a. Verf. 29, Now if the Lord hash taught the fowls of the air, and the beafts of the earth to look to their own fafety, to get to the rock, and the Throng place ; then doubtlefs, he hach taught his fervants,, all that are godly, to reek and haften ro a refuge, both for fpiritual and corporal fafety. d often difcovr refuge in the Pfalmer (Pfal. 18.s.) at verfe, had ìnp in language called the Lord his ftrength, I will love thee, OLard, my ffrength; he prefently adds a number of metaphors, to fhadow out the fame thing, The Lord is my fortrefs, my rack andmy deliverer, my God, my firength, inwhom Iwill craft ; my buckler, and the horn of my falvation, and my high tower. He cattail God his rock twice in that verfe. God is not only a rock, but the only rock in which his faithful people find (helter. Mofes faid in his prayer (Tfal. 9o. r .) Lord thou haft been our dwelling place in all generations. Where do believers dwell ? in God himfelf ; as the dwelling of the Eagle is in the rock, fo the dwellingof a believer is in God, his rock. They may be fore of fafety,who are fo houfed, who are hoofed in God(Pfal. gt. t . ) He that dwells in the fecret places of the molt high, (hall abide under the fhadowof the Almighty : Iwill fay of the Lord, be is myrefuge, and my fortrefs, myGod, in him will Itruft. Thus, as the Lord bath taught the Eagle to look out a (+rong place for her felt, fo he hath taught his people ; and it will much their wifdom, to learnof the Eagle to provide againft danger,as to learn of the Ant to provide againft hunger. As in this 28th verfe we have had Ehe dwelling of the Eagle defcribed, fo in the next, we have both the (harpnefs of her ap- petite and the quicknefs of her fight. Verf. 29. From thence fhe Peeks ber prey, andher eyes behold afar off, The fourth thing considerable in the Eagle, is the (harpnefs of her appetite ; The hath a great heat of flomack, and a ftrong di- geftion, therefore the mull be Peeking prey. From thence.. That is, from the °rock her dwelling place, from the tooth of the rock ; From rhe,,ce The feeka her prey. And'tisconceived, that the reafon why (he builds fo high is, that' (he may from Q-q q 2 thence 483