Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

484 Chap. 34. 11n Expoftion upon the Book of o B. Vetf. 29. thence with more advantage fpy out and leek her prey. The Hebrew is floe diggerh her prey from thence.That an Eagle fhould dig, and dig in the air, is anelegant expreflion. Diligent Peeking or l'earching, is lignified by digging in the Hebrew language. They that dig for a thing leek it carnefily ; and therefore to Phew how earnefily the Eagle leeks her prey, the is laid to dig for ir. The Lord to thew the open finfulnefs of Ifrael told tl}em (fer.2.34) In thy skirts is found the blood of the fouls of the poor innocents. That which is in a mans skirts is eafily Peen; and hence the Lord adds, 1 have not found it by fecret Parch , or as the Margin hath ir, by d¡gging;that's the forceof the word, it notes a diligent lurch or feeking; the Eagle fetke, as if thewere a digging for Her prey What is her prey ? The Eagle bath a thong flomack, and the word here ufed lignifies any thing eatable. Naturalifls fay (he feeds I. pan fowls of the air, the Dove, ec. the feeds alto upon Sheep, Lambs, Hares ; and 'cis laid, the hath a great mind ro Hares, they being not onlymear, but medicine ro her. Naturalifts tell us alto, that theEagle feeds upon fi[h, and that in her flight the can difcern the fifh in the Sea : and iome tells us, that the loves (hell-fi(h, the Crab-filh efpecially very touch; this is her prey : from thence floe Peeks ber prey, whither moving in theair, or upon the land, or in thewater; the Peeks her prey where -ever 'cis to be had,and the will have it if it be to be had above ground, yea, if it be to be had in the water. Hence note ; Hunger makes aiiive. We fay hunger breaks thorough acne-wails or firong holds; Whither will not the Eagle dig to fatisfie her appetite? I need not flay upon the general truth; "I would cnly adde this, it is cer- tainly fo in fpirituals. Soul hunger, our hunger after righteouf- nefs will make us ûetive. Thofe Eagles, the Saints, having a firong appetite to the things of God, will dig for their fatisfaii- on, they will Peek after food for their fouls till'theyare farisfied. Sometimes poffibly there is a glut of food, and then they will fcarcely look after it. but if once they are pinched with famine, then they lookafter food. That of the Prophet (Amos 8. r t.) anfwers