n Expo ition upon the Boo of o is Verf.2 `5 Ohap.3. r p 1 9. anfwers this of the Text, I ( faith the Lord ) will fend a famine among you :not afamine of bread,but of bearing the Word of the Lord. And what then? Why then they fhail wander from fea to lea; and from the North even to tie Eaft, they fhall run to and fro to feek, the word of the Lord, and (hall not find it . The Eigle. here leeks her prey& gets i;;but theytlsali leek the Word of the Lord, and not have it, becaufe they were unthank(ui for it,and unprofit- able under it, when c h °y had ir. l is a fad hunger to be pincht with the want of the word, which is fpiritual food ; but that's a blefled hunger which is not from want of, but from a true and fìrong delire after the Wordor fpiritual food. True believers, abiding in a tight frame,have a greatdefire and hunger after fpi.i- tuai food, even when there is greaten plenty of it when there is (as we fay) a glut of it, they are no glutted with it ; the more they are facished with ir, the more they would have of it ; their appetites and fatisfacéion are interchangable; they are hun- gry, yet fatisfied ; they are fatisfied, yet hungry ; and therefore they are always feeking their fpiritual prey. It is a fore judgment when they that have had much of this fpiritual food, and have not had a hunger after ir, are cut (port and deprived of it. The Lord often lets tho`.e hunger after it in Ivant, who have not bun- bred after it in enjoyment. As the Eigle harh an eager appetite, a (harp f}omack ; fo an excellent eye, a (harp fight, as it followeth. trier eyes behold afar off; Tobehold or fee, is the wo-k of the eye, and to behold afar off, is the excellency of the eye in that work. The Esgie feeks after her prey, and her eyes behold afar off. Some render which ter eyes behold afar off', that's a good reading ; the conjunuive particle and is not in the Original Text, and therefore we may fupply it by the relative ( which) as well as by the conjund ;on ( and ) Naturalif}s tell us, that the Eigle hach fo (harp a fight, that when fhe is mounted quite out of our light, out of the light of any man, and is as it were in the clouds, that even then (he doth perfeetly behold her prey, and that is afar off indeed ; even at rhea di;lance file beholds the Hare in the bufh, and the Elfh is the water. There arr.. almolt incredible things related, as to the accutenefs'of the Eagles fight ; and the reaïon given by force of her