Chap. 38. ,fin Expofitionupon the $ookof Jon. Verf. 3. 35 Secondly, There is a girding up the loins for ferving or wait- Cingulurr nG- ing; fo Chan expreffeth it (Luke 12. 35.) Let your loins benytratceri, girded about, and your lamps burning , and yeyour !elves like unto men , that wait for their Lord, And he faith at the 37thverf , Bleffed are thofe fervants , whore the Lord when he cometh , ¡hall find watching Verily, Ifay unto you , that he fhai1 gird himfelf, and make them to fitdown to meat , and will come f rth a;od ferre them ; that is, he wil be ready to do them ofncyes of love, as it Fvere , in perfon ; which is an expref ion of the greaten conde- Icention: For when Chrifl would let forth the common cudlona among men , he faith (Luke 17, y, 8.) which of you havinga fervant plowing or feeding Cattel , will fay unto him by and by when heir comefrom the field ; Go, and ft down tomeat , and will not rather fay, Gird thyfelt,and ferre me,&c. Girding is prepara- tory to rervipg or waiting. Thirdly , It notes in Scripture preparation for any labour or civulum ope- work that we are called to , whether of mind or bo.ay. 'He is ratori. aiwayes girt,that is ready for work, and induftrious at it ; where- Actin7ut dici- as careleife and idle perfons, are air/ayes uogirt, and Co un- mrquiindu,lri- blefs'd. When feremiah was called to that great work of the 7` dy` n:ur qui reItbnr mind or inner man , the Lord Paid to him (chap. I. )7.) Thou ell. Druf. therefore girdup thy loins, and arife, and fpeakunto therm allthat I iccingere fe command thee, A begins at his heart, and ends ad optsnliquwd at his tongue, yet for that his loins mull begirt. Fourthly, Girding up the loins, notesa preparation for Bartel Cingulumpug - and War : Thus Davad fpake of Chrin , (Val. 45.3: ) Gird naturi. thy fword upon thy thigh Omolt mighty. So fpake that King to A{ umucpnrerin- his proud Challenger , Let not him that girdeth on his armner, cravir. Marta 6oaft as he that putteth it off (t Kings 20. i i.) That is, let not him that prepareth himfelf for baud , carry it as he that ha: h won the day and got the viIory. When the Apo`lle defcribing our fp!rirual warfare , minds us to /land , having our loin, girt a- boat with truth (Eph. 6. 544 he would allo have us (land wi :h our loins girt for the truth ; that is, as another ApolUe (peaks, ( fade 3,) to contend earnefily for the faith once delivered to the faint; ; or to undertake the defence and maintenance of th; truth againfl all comers or onpofers. /ippararead Girding in the Text is of this latter fort : Difpuring is a kind futuram difcep- of fighting and warring. Opponents and Refpondents are like tátionem. Va- F 2 Cowc- tab.