44 Chap. 38. e/In Fxpolition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf; 4. fpecial Providence towards the Beafl of the Earth, and the Fowls of the Ayre, from the firfi verfe of the 39th. Chapter to the end. So that , the proof of this Affumprion, that Job had no hand, gave no counfel , no furtherance, noaflì(lance , in the Works of Creatiion and Providence ; I fay this Affumption, contains the hiflory of the greatefl things in all the parts ofNature : for what - foever belongs to true Philofophy,may be reduced to it,or clear- ly diFcovered in it ; and herein we are taught the true ufe of Philofophy , even to raife the mind of man to the contempla- tion of the Eternity, Power , and Wifdom of God ; as alto of our own frailty, weaknefs, nothingnefs, and fo tout down in an humble fubmiilion, to whatfoever the Lord doth with us, or ours, in this world. Somuch of the argument and general fcope of this whole dif- courfe. The Lord begins with the Work of Creation, thereby hum- bling job to this Confeffcon, that he had nothing at all to do with it. Vetf. 4. where waft thou, when I laid thefoundations of the Earth ? .t7`tando dent We have the Creation afferted in thefe words, and God is Interrogarubi pleafed to fpeak of it metaphorically , by a companion drawn era e? ont fromArchite&ure, or the model ofa Building : where waft those, rluisfry, x when I laid thefoundations of the Earth ? quo, d9, quant Eliphaz put a quef}ion of a near import with this ( Chap. brevis 7.) eXrt thou thefirft man that was born ? or waft thou made 6e- Codur. fore the hilly ? Here the Lord (peaks the fame language, where waft thou , when I laid the foundations of the Earth ? Waft thou gntelunaret. made before the World ? There was a fort of men fpoken of by the Ancients, called (Profelunes) Men made before the Moon, who boafled that they were a people before the Moon wasmade: others faid they were before the Earth. The Scripture tells us that man wasmade out of the Earth ; well then might the Lord demand , where waft thou, when I laid the foundations of the Earth ? Waft thou before the Earth ? Or before the Moon ? Where waft thou? Surely thou waft no where, thou wail nor in tieing, when I laid the foundations of the Earth ; forafmuch as thy