46 Chap. 38. Expofition upon the Bokof J o B. Verf. 4, foundations of the Earth; therefore he is God , he is eternal. But when God comes to fpeak to Job , a man, he faith, Where waft thou when Ilaid thefoundations ofthe Earth? (John i, r.) In the beginningwad the Word , and the Word war God ; andbyhiin all things were made. Jefus Chrill had a hand in making the World , in laying the foundations of it, the work is afcribzd to him. Here's the glory of Jefus Chriit above all creatures , and this is an unanfwerable proof of the God-head and Divinity' of Jefus Chrilh; as 'tis of mans frailty , when the Lord de- mands , Where wall thon , when f laid the foundations of the Earth ? ' Tis as if theLord had faid , Remember how fhort a time thou haft been , how little a while it is liince thou cana'(t into the World ? There are two things which men (hould much confider ; Fir(t , How little a while they have been in this World. Secondly., How little a cime they have to flay in chis Wer1d. wherewaft thou, When I laid thefoundations ofthe Earth ? '77° founded Hebrew is but one word , Where waft thou , when I the Earth ? we fa when Maid the foundations of the runfunda- In fundare rne, earth? What's a foundation? There are four things to be no- va? rem. ted about a foundation. Fiat, A foundation is the loweft part of a building. The Topor Head -Hone (Zach. 4. 7.) and the Foundation -f}one, are at urmoft diftance ; the one higheft , the ocher towel , the one ftrl° laid down, the otherlaft fer up. Secondly, The foundation is an unfeen part of the building : we behold the fuper- ftrudture , the walls and towers , when railed , we behold the battlements and pinnacles ; but we cannot behold the foundation , that's an unfeen part of the building. Thirdly , The foundation is the molt neceffary part of the building. There are Tome parts of a building, which are onely for ornament and beauty; there are other parts of a building, which though they are fomewhat neceffary, yet not much necef- fary ; the building might ffand without them , but a foundation is of abfolure neceffity : there cannot be a continuing houle without a foundation, Fourthly,