Chap. 38. t.44 Erpofition upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. 4. 53 to the Earth , which will fcarcely bear a feather. Ic remains th:r.undeniable that the Will and Power of God are the four_- liatíozanihll . dationsof the Earth: There's nothing can be given or alflgned o curvit i/- in reafon, if you look not to the Will of God , for tile founda- tion of the Earth. Betides that, there's no bottom for ir.' One pesovolunra- of the Ancients giving a defcription of the Creation , faith, All tezn. Naziart. things are laid rip in his Power andwill ; thefe are the foandationy, drat. 24. theflay, and eflablifhment of all things. And as is is fo with re- Onnia repo r: fpea to the fianding of theEarth , fo , with refpea to all thole eczf o in o;i great things which God bath promifed to do in the Earth the vrlúnr a eq foundation of them all, is his ownPower and Will , or his Pow- ftfimdanY's erful Will. The foundation laid inEle&ion , and the foundati- on laid in Redemption by Jefus Chrifi (other foundation can no Ambr. t. r. man lay for all cur fpiritual comforts , prefent priviledges , and Hexam. c. 6. future hopes (t Cor. 3. t r.) Thefe foundations, I fay) were laid in the Will of God , Lo I come-to do thy Will,O God, (Heb, t e. 7, 9.) The Will of God is the foundation and eflablithment of all things , whether Natural or Civil, Spiritual or Eternal, Seventhly , From the fcope of thefe words we may Obferve ; Godwho hash made the Earth by his Ewer , dot') alfo govern it, and man who inhabits it, And therefore man ought to be quiet , and fit down in his go- verning aswell as in his Creating Will. To convince and per- [wade fob of this, is (as bath been toucht) the purpole of God an all that followeth. He that bath made the World , governs the World ; and if fo , than poor creatures , you o- I, or any other , though a fob, find fault with his government of it ? Will a Matter- Builder fuffer anyone to find fault with his w'o,k,whoun- dertiands nothow Co lay a fione in it,much lofs to give the rule cr di: e&ion for the whole work ? Foralmuch then as the Lord is not only the Mailer-Builder, but the Pole Maker ofthis great Houle, the World, it becomes man,for whole ufe it was made, to acgei- efce or reii gt,iétly in his Government of it. Surely , he Mi- ker ofall things , has h a right to difoofe of all things ; and there- fore all petfonsare to be fatisfied inhis diîpofal of them. From the whole verle andthe obrervati©ns given upcnit, take thefe Scripture inferences. Firfl , The Scripturemakes this inference fr ofa it ; God is one, and