Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. An Expof tion upon the Book o f J o B. Verf. 5. 63 edification ; he prefently adds ( verf. 13.) l ut we will not (6oajl of things without cur meafure, but according to the meafure of the rule (or line, as we put in the Margin) which Clod hathdiflribu red unto uo for weflretch not oarfelves beyond our meafure: That is, we are not greedy of, nor do we grafp more power than is given and allowed us of God ; nor will we exercife our pówer further than Chrifi bath appointed and commanded us. This (cretching focth of the line is the exercife of power, and that's a metaphori- cal fenfe ofit. Secondly , "Wired) theline, is to build, or tomake prepara- tion for building (Zech. i. 16.) Thusfaith the Lord , I am re- turned to [erufalemwith mercies ; my houfe (hall be Guilt in it, and a line 'hall beflretched forth upon 3erufalem. Again (chap.4. r o.) Who bath defpifed the day offmall things ? for they 'hail reloyce,ard fhall fee the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel. When the Lord would affure his people that Yerufalem (hould be reflored , he doth it by promifing the ftretching forth of the line , and the fight of the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel , commanding, overfeeing, and dire&ing the work. The line and plummet be- ing.of much and molt neceffary ufe for the right felting of a building , fignified that God was about to build. Thirdly, The (retching forth of the line upon a place , with fome addition , notes the defiru Lion of it, or the pulling of it down (2 Kings a i. a 3. ) I wilïilreteh over lerufa1em the line of Samaria,and the plummet cfthe houfe ofAhab: That is,I will make her defolate,ls Ahab=and Samaria were; and fo the latter part of the verfe expounds it and I will wipe3erufalem a aman wipetha dfh,wiping and turning it upfzde down. Again (Ifa.34. i i .)1n,;11 flretchforth upon it the line ofconfufion and the Hones ofemptierfs That is, It fhall be utterly ruined. And (Ifa 18.2,7.) yio to the land flhadowing with wings,'&c. that faith,Go ye feift meffengers to a Nation meted out and trodden down. The Hebrew is , í,,o to a ,.4,1 gentens Nation of line, ( as you have is in the Margin ) that is , to a quæ concutee -. Nation who have the line fIrerched out upon them for defolati- trr deffruirur on ; not a line firetched upon them to build them , but to de- i eopautzrtn' firoy them ; a Nation who are or ball be broken down , as it (ii11,unur r: :m were by line ; they (hall come to perfelt ruin , or ruin (ball modo ordá. come on them in full perfedtion. As when the Lord will build,'ne. he Both itby line , that is, exaetly and fully, even with a divine skill ;