Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. j8. an Expirfition upon the Book,of J o-s. Verf. S. built upon the foundation of the Arofle; and Prophets ( not upon their perfon, but doétrine, which isChrifl) lefts, Chrifthi,rfclf hrif1ucdicitur being the (lief corner tone : Inwhomall the building fitlyframed capat onguli together, grotreth into etn holy Temple in the Lord. Again (r Per. z. 'quad:ttoni folum Towhom comin as unto a living one di allowed indeed o fttlrtncfpium, `}' S) g' .. 8 f f fe-i fnirfpiri- men;but chofen.ofGodandprecious : Te alfo as lovely(lunes -are built nulif .edif'ii. up a fp.ritual houfe &c. ibytí'en. Some corceive,rhar in this place,the Lord fore: (hewed Job the Jncarnationof Chi ifs, who is the true cornerstone, knitting all in Oie. For mol ly,when the Scripture would fer forth the fecurity o£,.our Christ , it loth it by this refemblance : Upon him believers are founded, and in him fattened. If we had not atria. a corner-(lone for our falvation, it were notpolhible that our falvation should be lure to us: The building cannot be fixt without "ir. Chrift is faid ro be our peace , whokath made both one (Eph. 2. r4.) where the Apofile fpeaks.6rft of taking away the middle wall of partition, and then of ma- king both ( that is Jews and Gentiles) one by Christ , the on- ly corner icone. By one and the fame faith in Chrifl, twopeople, Jews and Gentiles , are joyned inpne : As in the corner of a building, two walls alwayesmeet andare clofed together by the corner-(tone. And as Christ is a corner-(tone laid in with the foundation ,: fo he is acorner- flone upon the foundation in the continued riling of the building , till railed tothe top. M the corner-(lone hash its ufe in any part of the corner, from the foun- dation to the roof , fo it is placed in the higheft part of the building There Chri(R is the chiefcorner- flone, The Prophet fpeaks thus of/Ch:ìfl (Zach. 4. 7.) Andhe (that is Zerubbabel) /hall bring fcrtb the head: ftone thereof with Grouting, , crying grace , grace , unto it which feems to lignifie , that Christ should be manifefled and brought publickly forth, like the chief or uppermoft corner- (lone. The corner-(lone is called the Head- flone, becaufe'tis let above in the building;and 'cis called alto the Head- ftone,becaufe it is polished, and appeareth above the refl, EducciTapidem like an head above the body. Thus you fee the ufe of the corner- &gotis. Heb. (}one inScripture,as applied to Chrih,in allufion to a building,for &uuod inffarca. the fecurity and firmnefs of it : the corner-(lone beinathat which pi din : bindeth the building , and fah ens the contiguouswas together. at infupremo Here theLord fpeaking of his framing the Earth, tellsus ofa ;cor- Toco, . ne[-