Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. AnExpoRion upon the Boc of j o B Vert*. 7, flo.nary , to make fuch acclamations at the laying of the foun- dation of fame eminent building, betides what is clear out of humane Authors and Hillories, we have feveral Scripture evi- dences. The 87th Pìalm throughout, letting forth the lkrue}ure of the Gofpel Church , of thefpiritual Zion, by way cf prophe- tic, begins thus ; His foundation is in the holy mountains ; there's the foundation of Zio7 laid ; Then folloireth, as at the fecond vctfe , The Lord loveth thegates of Zion , more thanall the dwel- lings of Jacob. Gloriotas things are fpokenof thee , O thou City of God! Selah, As if he had fad, there was a great acclamation, high praifes at the laying the foundation of Zion; with which the Pfalme clofeth more expretly (v, 7,) . As well the fingersas the players on inflruments fballbe there; all my Springs are in thee, Again ( Pfed. I IS. 22) 23)24, ) there is no fooner mention made of the corner -lione ( the flane which the builders refufed is become the head plane of the corner) but prefently we have accla- mations about it ; This is the Lordr doing, it is marvelous inour eyes e This is a bleffed work indeed , 7 his is the day which the Lord hath made ; we will rejoice and beglad in it, That corner- f}one of falvation }efus Chriff, being laid, as I may fay, all the liars fang together, and the fons of GodChanted for joy ; This is the day which the Lordhathmade. If we go to thole material buil- dings which were figurative of theChurch and Chriff , we [hall find the like ( Ezra 3.1o. ) When the Jewes at the return of their Captivity, began to build the Temple , the Text faith at the tenth verle ; Ind when the builders laid the foundationof the Temple of the Lore!, then they fet the Priefls in their apparel;and with their voices, with the Levies, and thefns of Afaph, topra/fe the Lord. As foon as the foundation was laid , they were all in fang, and railed up in holy rejoycings ; though fome of the old men, who remembred the firti Temple, wept when the founda- tion of this was laid. That Scripture (Zach, 47,) fpeaks of the fame thing, where the Prophet, in the Spirit, fore-teeing the dif- appointments of all the enemies of the people of God , thus triumphsover them by faith ; Who art thou , Ogreat Moantain, Sefore Zerubbabel ? thou /halt become a plain ; he(hall bringforth thehead-flore thereof with flouting. That is, the building of Rierufalcm, or the reforing of the Temple hall be brought to peNfeRion; audihen they (hall cry, grace,grare, atnto it. Now