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AN EXPOSITION WIT H Pra6tical Obfervations CONTINUED Upon the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Se- venth Chapters of the Book O F JOB: BEING TheSubifance of Thirty fiveLeaures, deli- vered at Magnue,near the Bridge, LONDON. By JOSEPH CARYL, Minierof the Gofpel. James, Chap. i. Ver. 2, 3, 4. c.Mty bretbren,connt it alljoy whenyefall into divers temptati- ons. Knowing this, ¡bat the tryst of yourfaith worltetb patience. Fat let patience have her perfeíi wori¿, that ye maybe perfect and entire, wanting nothing. LONDON, Printed by M. Simmons next dore to the Golden Lyon in AlderfgateJtreet, i 67 1.

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Vii MifOrgOZg5.C1 To the Chriftian FADER. T O Thole chiefly of this CITY, who have been the Movers, and are the Pro- moters of this Work. Sirs, Our continued care and labour of love, enga- ges a line degreeof both, for the growth of this Infant-work. And therefore (though in the midfi of manifold diverfions)thefe pieces are ventur'd out. We live in an Age (® that we could live it) wherein the hand of Providence works glorioufly , yea terribly : Saving then, got three or four'teps limner into this Book of Providence, it will not be unfeafonable, to fli.w you the Prints of then. Efpeciallp feting this Hillary of jobs afliclion, Wksfo like a . Prophecy of ours ? and (altnof in ev_ry line) gives sus Tone lineament of our prefent troubles and difleinper.s, of our hopes and fears. In the three firmer Ch.tpterá we bad a N rrative of the cafe, and of thofe occurrences out of u h ch the efiin here debated receives it'sflate. As alfo the bringing together of the Interlocutors, or perfons maintzininä this difcoalrfe As we may aiwzyes Obj t ve in the writings of the Ancients, A. whetb. r

T o the Pleader. whether Natural, Moral or Divine, which are compofed into Dialogues or Difputes. This great Divinity aft ( one of thegreateil fureiy-ans wog folemn, l think the f rfl that ever was held out, in [itch aformality, in the world) is principally fpent,upon that no- ble problem, How the juftice and g-)odnefs of God can be falved,. while, his providence diflributes good to the-evil, and evil to the good. 4 Queflion fiarted and touched in many books of the holy Scriptures; but as here (ex profeffo) purpofely handled: Firfi, in a very long Difputation, betty en Job theRefpondenr, and his three Prietads Opponents 5 Then in afulldetermination, firfi, by Elihu an accuteand'mife,then by God himfelf,the moil wife and infallible Moderator. The Method leere obferved h after the manner of the Schools(pro and contra) every one of thefour difputantr, havinghis feveral opinion 5 and each, one his arguments in favour of' his own. Which,yet, are not prefented in that a et - edplainnefs of the Schoolmen, with their down-right ( vide- tur (lucid .fie, probatur quod non) This- I affirm, this I prove, this I deny, this difprove, The Pen-men of the holy Chuff never difiwfs u f ions fo, no, nor any of the old Philofophers. 7bis Covert carriage of their opinions, and clofecontexture of their arguments,,infioers, and Replies about them, render 'theBookfomeitleat dark and obfcure is the meditation. And therefore, it will be a deign not unprafiiable(ifthat end o fflr'dat,may be attained)briefly todraw themfarth,andfet them beforeyou in a more open lidht Anddoiebtles, theyhold,and by what mediums they mana nage their proofs, may (by thebleng of Godupon ferious thoughts andfrequent reviews) be made out to a- very great Flrainnefs. Towards which, it is obfervable, that there are many *breeds of the fame colour andfashfiance, mixt and inter. woven , by the Difputanti thronghettt thiswhole Difcourfe.. Aud

To the Reader. And, that, though the three Opponents with one confnt, fet up Job, as their common mark tofhoot at; yet they take up very.different f andings, ifnot different levels, varying each from other in fame things, as well as-all(upon themain)from hint. The realm of the former is this, becaufe there are forane common principles, wherein they all agree : which, if we a',ffraff, with what isfpol¿,en in the illujiration of tl em,tak- ing in alfo thofe concluions, which fprings from thnaas their firft born : then the remainder willPhewzrr t hat proper anddifliniliveopinion, which each of them holds about this grand queftion of Providence ; the events and di.ffrituti- cns ;thereof, feemfo croft. handed ingiving trouble and farrow to godly men, joy andprofperity to the tricked. There are threeprinciples, wherein Job concurs with his three friends; and a fourth, wherein they three concur again f1 him. The three, wherein allfour agree, are thefe : Fill, That, all the afHiCtion.s and calamities, which befal man, fall within the eye and certain knowledge of God. secondly, That, God is the Author and efficient caufe, the orderer and difpofer of all thofe afíli&ions and calamities. Thirdly, That, in regard of his nioftholy Majefty, and unquef}ionable Soveraignity, heneither Both, nor can do any wrong or injury to any of his creatures, what foever afi&ion he layes, or how long foever he is pleafed tò continue it upon them. Theft three principles and fuchconclufans, as are im- mediately deduciblefrom them, are copioufly handled and in. flied upon by themall. in porfisance whereof they all- (peak, veryglorious things f the Powe r, Wifdom, Ju ffice, 'Holi. ncfs and Soveraignty of the Lord. In proclaiming ever] of zrhi, h Attributes, the tongue of Job like a frlver Trumpet, lifts up the name ofGodfo high, that he Teems to drown the A 2 f u n.á

To the Reader. fcund of the other three, e makes their praife, almoft f lent. But Jobs three friends proceed to a fourth principle ; which, Heutterly denies, about which, fo muchofhis aniwer, as is contradi&5ory to their objellions & rejoinders, wholly con f ft's. That, their fourthprinciplefeems to 1)e bottom'd up. on two grounds- Firf, That whofoever is good, and dothgood, fhall )eceive a prefent good reward, according to the mea- lure of the good he hathdone; and, That whofoever is wic ied and dothwickedly, fhaH be paid with prefent punífhtnent, according to the meafure of his deme- rits. secondly, That ifCat any time a wicked man flourifh inoutward profperity g yet, his flourifhing is very mo- mentary, and fuddenly (in this life) turnes to, or ends in vifible judgments. And, That, if (at any time) a god Iy man be wither'd with adverfity, yet, his withering is very fhort, ai d fuddenly (in this life) turnes to, or ends . invifible bleflings. upon thrfe two grounds or fuppofitions, They raife and $wild their fourth principle, from which, They threemake continual batteries upon the innocency of Job. We may con- ceive the pofition in this frame. That whofoever is greatly afflicted, and is held long under the preffure of his afIli ion, that man is to be numbred with the wicked, -though, noother evidence or wítnefs appear or fpeak a word ' against him. Hence, The peculiar opinionof Eliphaz rifes thus ; That all the outward evils, which over-take man in the courfe of this life, are the pro ceeds of his own fin, and fo from the procefs of Gods jufiice. Hegives us thisfence, for his in ex'pref termes,Chap.4.. 8". They that plow iniquity and fow wickednefs reap the fame ; which he applies pvr¡o_. orally to yob (Chap. 22, vcr f 5, 6,) Is not thy wick ednefs

To the Reader. ednefs great, and thine iniquities infinite, Thou haft taken a pledge from thy brother for nuoght, and ftrip- ed the naked of their cloathing, 6.c. The whole fcope of his fpeech bends thefame Dray ; and is, a if he hadPaid, to Job; Though thy carriage hash been fo plaufible among us, that we are not able to accufe thee of fin, yet thefe judgments accufe thee, and are fufficient wit- neffes againft thc-e ; Thefe cry out with a loud voice, that thou haft taken a pledge from thy brother for nought, &c. Though we have not iten thee aft . thefe fins, yet, in thefe eff_fts WO fee thou'haft aéted them; The faares which are round about thee tell us, thou haft laid fnares for others, and he that runs may read how terrible, how troubletoine thou haft been to the poor, in the terrours which have feiz'd thy fpirir, and in the troubles which have fFoyl'd t':ee of thy riches. Bildad the Sbuitefpeakc fecond ; His opinion is not fb rigid,as that of El iphaz. He grants,thataftliJionsmayfall upon a righteous perfon, yetfo, that if Gad fendnot (Wive- ranee fpeedily, if he refiere him not quickly to his former eftate andhonour,then (upon thefecond groundof thefourth principal)filch a man may be cenfured, cafe and condemn,d asunrighteous. That fuch wasBildadsjudgment in this cafe, is clear Chap. 8. 5, 6. If thou wert pure and upright, furely now he would awake for thee, 2nd make the habitation of thy righteoufraefs profperous, Though thy beginning was final', yet thy latter end fhall greatly increafe ; and verf. 20. 21. Behold God will not caft away a perfect man, 6.c. till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoycing. g, if he hadfàid, I cannot affent to my brother Eliphaz, affirm. ing, That , every man afflicted, is affilered, for his wick - ednefs, I (for my part) believe 'end am perfwaded, that a godly man may be athi&ted for the tryal and exercife ofhis graces, &c. But then I am affured,that God

To the Reader. God never lets him lie in 1,s aini&:ons, for, as loon as he cries and calls, the Lord awakes prefently, makes his habitation profperons again, and increafes him more than ever...I grant the Lord may c.sft down a perfe& man, but, he will not (in this life) cart him away; no hewill fpeedily fill his mouth with laughing, and his lips with rejoycirg Zophar, the third opponent dif-err ,from the twoformer in this ,great controver f e, afiriming, Thar, the reafon of all thofe afflictions, which prefs the children of men, is to be refolved into the abfolute will and pleafure of Cod 5 that, we arenot further to enquireabout his wif- dom, juftice or mercy in difpencing them his counfels being unfearchable, and his wayes pact finding out. Thus he delivers his mind (chap. tit. 7. 8.) Cantle thou by fearching find out God ? Canit thou by fearching find him out to perfection ? It is as high as Heaven, what cantt thou do ? Deeper than Hell, what canft thou know? Verf. 12. Vain man would bewife,though man be born like a wild Affes colt. in the refl. of his fpeech he comes nearell the opinion of Bildad, verf. 14, ¡5, 16. andgives out as hard thoughts ofJob, as either of h c brethren, nurnbrivghitma among the wicked, and affgninghim the re- ward ofan hypocrit((chap. ro. 29.) This is the portion of a wicked man from God, and theheritage appointed tin. to him by God. There (1 conceive) are the CharaAerifocal Opinions of Jobs three Friends, about hiscafe. 411 conf¡tenttrith thofe four prineiples,which they hold in common, all equallydoling in the cenfure andcondemnation ofJob,' bough infume things diffenSing andfallingoffromone another. But zrhat thinks Jct.) ? cr hczr cloth he acquit or extricate hinzfel f from theft è d f fâculties? verywell,Hisjentence as 1, Loin.. ly ? cis. shat The providence of God, difpences outward profperity

To the Reader. pofperity a aafii¿ion fo icdifferently to good and bad, to the righteous and the wicked, that no unerring judg:- ment can poffibly be made up, of any mans fpiritual eítate by the face, and upon the vi,. w of his tempos ral,Hedeclares this a; hie opinion,in clear, refolnte andCate- gorical,termes (Ch.9. ver.22, 23.) Ibis is one thing, there.. fore I laid it, He deftroyeth the perfe& and the wicked, if, the fcourge flay fuddenly, he will laugh at the trial of the innocent. tihich opinion bath no quarrel at all with any of thofe three principles, held by Job joyntly, and in confort, with his threefriendr, lut only with their fourth : which he throughout rcfufs as Heterodox and unfound in it felf, as uncomfortable to the Spirits, and incontinent with experiences of th .:' Saints. In theStrong hol.i and Fort-royal of this holy truth, Job fecures leiras- felfagainji all the ofáults, and fcatt,rs all the Objet ions of his Opponents : replying to maintain it to the very de 465 he willlay hisbones by thispolition, fay his unkind friendr, what they can again hint, and let the moll wife God, do what he pleafes withhim, That, he w;as ofnner, he readily grants 3 that, he was an hypocrite, heflatly dt nyes. That, theLordwarrighteous in all his dealings with him,' he readily grants. That, himfelfwas righteous, bec.tufe the Lord haddealtJo with him heflstly denies. Row per f e`itot v: r he MU, r hecouj r, that, he needed the Free -grace andMercies of the Lord to jelifie him,but with- al cif;erts, that he was perfe¿l enough,to 3: f ifi'e himfelf acing all the challenges of man. In thrfe acknowledgments of his ernulnefs, and denials ofinfncerity. in 'hete bumblings of i im'lf before Godand acquittings of himfelfbefore men ; in thrfe imp!oring' mercy from the Lord, and complainings of the unkindne Is' of his brethren, the firength of Jobs arrrer cox pi, and the fpeciakt es of it 'mg be fismrnd up. 9 . '

To the Reader. 'Tis true that through the extremity of his pain, the an- pip of his fpirit, and the provocation ofhisfriends, force unwaryfpecch -s flipt from him. For which, Elihu reprov- ed him gravely and "harp!), of which, himfelf repented forres fully and heartily, all which,, the moßi gracious God rayed by and párdon'd freely, not ïmput!ng fin unto him. Thus (Christian Reader) I have endeavoured (aa tofore of the whole Book, fo now) iogive a briefaccount con- cerning the Arer,;vtative part ofit: and to reprefent how far in thisgroat Controverfe, the Anfwerer and his Ob. je&ors agree in jueg.went, and where they part, if this'difccv ry adminis` er any help, as a Thred to lead your meditations, through the many fccret turnings, and in- tricacies of this difgrate, the labour in drawing it out is abun- dantlyfati. fted.And if a-yfurther*light,fubfervient to this end. j all be given in from the Father of lights, that alfo in it's féaJon may be held forth and fet upon a Candle. flick. 14 hat, is now received, together with the textual Fxpofi- tìons upon this fill Undertaking k tween Eliphaz and Job, Ileave in your hands : praying fora bleffingfrom on high, to convey truth home to every heart; defiring earnefi prayers for the Spirit of grace and illumination to be pw,vred out, according to the measure of the gife.of Cri(t, upon April 28 645. Your very affeecionate Friend and Servant in this work of the Lord ff pb

71''fft`>004.,14' ele'ato11 M'*iro$NO$SWit 1e,t444 1v0f0K01sk.k°k°a''00014.***140eMkO"Mtk 01» A IY EYPO,SITION UPON THE Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Chapters of the Book of JOB JOB, Chap. 4. Verle t. Then Eliphaz the Temanite anfroered andfail. 2. Ifweaffay to communewith thee,wiltthou begrieved? But who can with-holdbimfel f fronefpea4jng2 3. Behold thou haft infiruCed many, and thou hall flrengthened the wea(hands. 4. Thy words bave upholden hies that was falling, and thou hail firengthened thefeeble knees. 5. But now it is come upon thee, and thou fainteft, it toucheth thee and thou art troubled. 6. is not this thyfear, thy confidence, the uprightnefs of thy wages and thy hope. O S complaint ended in the former Chapter : in this a hot dífpute begins. Job having curs'd his day, is now chid himfcli. And he had fuck a chiding,as was indeed a wounding,fuch as almost at every word, drew blood , and was not only a Rod upon his back,but a Sword at his heart. lob was wounded fiat by Satan,he was wounded a fecond timeby his Wife, 1

i{ li 2 Chap. er. Air Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Veit. t Wife,a third time he was wounded( not as it is fpoken in the Pro. Zaeh, r 3. 6. phet,in the boufe of hisfriends,but)in his own houle by his friend;_ thefe laft wounds are judgd(by good Phyfitians in foul atlli6ti- ons) his deepen and foareft wounds.. Then Eliphaz the 2emanite anfrveredand fail. Eliphaz,bcing(as is fuppofed) the elder and chief of the three,, firft enters the lift of this debate with Job : concerning whofe name, perfonand pedigree,we have fpoken before at the eleventh. Verfe of the fecond Chapter, and therefore referring the Reader thither, for thofe circumttantials of the fpeaker, I thall immedi- ately defcend unto the matter here fpoken. If we af,ay to commune with thee j wilt thou begrieved ? &c. The whole difcourfe of Eliphaz may be divided into three . general parts. a. ThePreface z. The Body > of his Speech. 3. The Conclu(ion The Preface of his fpeech is contained in the fecond Verfe, If we affay to commune with tbee,wilt thou be grieved? &c. The body of his fpeech is extended through this fourth and to the laft Verfe of the fifth Chapter : It confifteth cfpeciallyoftwo membe*s, or two forts of matter, in which Eliphaz deals with yob. The firft is reprehenfory, by way ofconviOfion and reproof: The fecond is exhortatory, by way of counfel and advice. Firft Eliphaz reprehends Job. This work of reprehenfion be- gins at the third Ver e of this Chapter, and is continued to the endof the fourth Verfe of the fifth Chapter. And to thew that he did not reprehend himupon paflion,he grounds this reprehenfion upon reafon, and f icngthens his reproofwith Arguments. And there are four reafons, or fpeciai Arguments,which Eliphaz takes up to make this reprehenfion convincing; the naming of them will give light to the whole before we come to particulars. The firil Argument iscontained in the words I have read to the endof the firth Verfe. And it is taken from the unfuitablenefs of his preferat praáice, tohis former precep:s. Or from the inequallityofthe ceurfe,he now took underatliái on, to the counfel he had given, others under afilittion, His

Chap. q.. 4n Expofition upon the Beokof J O B. Verf. r, His fecondArgument beginningat the feventh Verfe and car- ried on to the twelfth, is grounded upon a fuppofed inequallity of Gods prefcnt dealing with him,in reference tit) his former dealings with godly men. Eliphaz thought thus, furely Job is an Hypocrite, otherwife God would have dealt wi,h him, as with an innocent; Remember (-faith he) I pray thee,who ever periff edbeing innocent ; I will con- vince thee by ail examples, by what foever is upon Record, in the flifaory of all Ages, that thou art an Hypocrite, a wicked perfon for fee if thou canit find_an inftance in any Story, of an innocent perfon perilhing. That is his fecond Argument. His third Argument is continued from the twelfth Verfe to the end of this fourth Chapter ; atmd that he might make the deeper impreflionupon Jobs fpirit,he brings it in with a dreadful Pream- ble : a Villon from God, at once terrifying and inftruEting him, thus to realm down the pride of man. The Argument it felt is coucht in the feventcenth verfe. I t is drawn from an evidence of presumption in all fucla, as (hall dare to implead Gods juffice, or plead their own : as if Eliphaz had Paid, furely thou art a proud and a wicked perfon, for there wag never any godlyman upon the face of the Earth, no nor any Angel in Heaven, that durit be fo bold with God as thou haft been ; Shall mortal man (faith he) be more jug then God ? fball a man be more pure thenbú Maker ? Be- hold heput no truft in his fervants, and bis Angels he charged with fll f His fourth Argument begins at the fifth Chapter,and ends with the fourth verfe ; and ii is taken from the unlikenefii of fobs carriage under his affliEfioxs, to that which any of the Saints in any age of the World did ever (how forth under their ai}]iE#ions. He that carries himfelf fo,as none of the Slintsever carried them- felves,gives an evidence against hisSaintlhip.Callnow to the Saints, either thole now living upon the Earth, or fearch the Records concerning all the Saints that ever lived, confider, and lee whe- ther thou canti obferve or read anyparallel of thy complaints,aud unreafonable expo flulations. So much for the fumn of his con - vieions. Then Eliphaz turns himleIf to admonition and exhortation in the following part of the fifth Chapter : and there are two Heads of his admnbnitory exhortation, Fir(i he admoniihcs him, to leek unto God and to call upon 13 2 him

4 - Chap. 4. An Enpofitionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf, r him, verfe 8. I mouldfeek untoG id, and unto Godwould l commit my caufe. I give time Ro other counfel then I would take any felf. III were in thycafe,' would not hand thus complaining and tur- fing my day, but this I would do, I wouldfeekuutoGod, and unto God mould commit my- caufe, This admonition is enforced by di- vers Arguments to the feventeenth verfe. The fecond head ofhis exhortation beginneth at the leventeenth verfe, and it is to prevaile with him, patiently to bear,and quietly toaccept his affliction, or the punilhment of his iniquity : in pur- fuance of this he thews himmany benefits and blcflings attending thofe who gracioufly comply wit h t he correctinghand ofGod up- on them. Behold ( faith he verfe r7) happy is the man whomGod corre.leth, therefore defpife not thou the chaftning of the Almighty ; he concludeth all frAn his certain knowledge and infallible expe- rience of whathe had laid (verfe a7.) Lo this, we have Jearched it, fo it is ; back'd with a warranty, that if he obey, his own ex- perience shall quickly teach him this truth ; Hear it, and kjtow thou itfor thygood. So much concerning the Divifionor Parts of this firfI fpecch or difpute made by Eliphaz in anfwer to the former complaint, pewred out by Job againft the day ofhis birth, and the night of Isis conception, n the third Chapter. The fix verles (lately read) contain (as I laid before) the firfi Argument: we have the Preface in the fecond verfe,and the Ar- gument it (elfin thefourfollowing. The point which Eliphaz delires th prove and clear is this that Job was guilty ofhypocri- fe,ofclofe hypocrifie at the leafi,ifnot of grofs hypocrifie. The medium or reafon by which he would prove it, is the unfuitable- nefs ofhis prefers: pradife to his former DoCtrine.His actions un- der fufifcrings contradict what himfelfhath taught other fufferers. And this (peaks him guilty. The Ar ,ument may be thus formed. That mans religion is but vain, and his profeflion hypocritical, who having comforted others in, and taught them pati- ence under afiction,is himfelf (beingafided) comfortlefs and impatient. But lob, thus it is with thee,thou haft been a man very forward to comfort others and teach them patience, yet now thou art comfortlefs and impatient. Therefore thy Religion is vain, and thy proftthen is hypocri- tical:

Chap. 4, An Expofitonupon the bookof J O B. Verf: t. Is not this thy fear ? Here is a goodly religion indeed, a proper puce of profcffion : and fuch is thine, this is all thou art able to nuke out. Thusyou have the Logical frrcngth,.or the Argument contained in the words.We tlrall nowexamine them in the Gram- matical Cenfe ofevery part,as they lye here in order. And firlt for the Preface. If we affay to commune with thee, wilt thou be grieved? but rabo can with-hold bimfelf fromfpeaking? The words import, as if Eliphaz had faid thus unto fob,we thy friends have all this while hood tilent, we have given thee full liberty and Rope to fpeak out all that was in thine heartilet it not grieve thec,ifwe now take liberty to (peakour felves : and indeed aueceffity lies upon us to fpeak. Two things Eliphaz puts into this Preface, whereby he labours to prepare the mind of fob, rea- dily tohear and receive what he had to fay unto him. Firtt,he tells him that he fpeaks out ofgood will and as a friend to him. ifwe affày to commune with thee, wilt thou be grieved? Pray do not tape it ill, we mean you no harm,we would but give you faithful counfel, we fpeak from our hearts, not from our fpleen, we fpeak from love to thee, let it not be my grief. Secondly, he thews that he wasneceflitated to fpeak : as love.. provokes, fo necefli. y conftrains, Who can with-hold himfelffront fpeaking? either of thefe eontiderations is enough to unlock both ear and heart to take in whollome counfel. What ear, what_ heart will not the Golden key of love, or the iron key ofnecetli,y open to inttruaion? when a friend fpeaks,and he fpeaks as bound, whenkindnefs and duty mix in conference, how powerful l Ifwe 'ay, or try. The word lignifies properly to tempt,either 7°íD3 for good or evil, and becaufe in temptation, an affay or experi- Teatavit'inl4o- ment is madeofa man,how bador how g©ed he is ; Therefore the lneucm vain raa° fum, peric7um Word is applyed to any affaYin or experimenting of thingsor per- eapertua Eons. This veryword is winning andgaining upon Job. We will but c/i. try a little if we can do thee any good, or bring lenitives to thy 7,1,1?-1 i quoJi forrows, we will not be burthenfozne or tedious; we will but l ruim vct affay to commune with thee. The wordnotes ferious fpeaking. toquutorium The place where God communed with his people, in giving an- d;£fum, pod fwers from Heaven-is exprefs'd by this word, i Kings 6 19. The Deg inde re- Oracle he p, eparea in the toufe within, &c. os the communing- fpanfa darer. place whcre God fpake, B Wilt

Chap. 4. Ars Expòfttión upon the Book of j B. Verf. t, r,,4? .Tilt thou be grieved ? 1 The word fgnThcs to be extreamly Ff./flu rnere wearied,even unto rageor fainting. Here Elipbaz Teems to hinrar, vet awing, i lnivit, jobs former dillem cred f ches. If we f P eak, wilt thou promite us not to fall into fuch a fit of pawn, as even bow, thouwall in. And yet whatfoever comes of it oz howfoever thou take1 it,I mull difcharge my duty and my conlcience; therefore he adds, Who can with-hold Isiafelf from fJeaking? That is, no man can with -hold himfclf from (peaking in iheh a cafe as this : to hear thee (peak thus would even make a dumbman (peak; Chrill faith in the Golpel, If thefe fhouldhold their peace,the'tones wouldcry there is filch a fence in thefe words : If we thy friends lhiould hold our peace,when thou fpeakelt,thus, the very ftones would cryout a aioft thee for (peaking and againll us for holding our peace.The 1St? Hebrew wordtranllated with-hold,fignihas toPhut up a thing fo as Cloufg,roerc that it cannot come out: It is appiyed to the locking up of the Kings 8 35. Clouds that they rain not; to the holding in of tire that it cannot break forth;jer.2o.9.whrre the Prophet very elegantly fits it to the refiraining offpeech, which is the very point in hand.HS word was in mine bear: as a burning firefhut up in my bones; Iwas weary with forbearing, So it implyts that the friends of Job, had as it were a tire in their bofoms, which they could no longer reftrain, they were as Clouds full ofwater, full ofdew and rain, they were tot able to tufp,nd themlelves from diflolving and fhowring upon Job, both reproof and counfel, advifes and exhortations. We may obferve from this Preamble, That it is wifdom tofinee- ten reproof with friendly infinuations. Reproof is a bitter Pill ; it is a wholefome yet a bitter Pill, and there is need to wrap it up inGold and. Sugar, that pleating both eye and pallat it may be Qal, .F. r. taken down the better. It is theApoliles counfel to his Galatians, Sretloren, if a man be overtaken with afault, ye that are f piritusl refiere filch a one in the fpirit of meeknefs. The word refiere, is an allufion to the Art of Chirurgery, in Petting a bone out of joynt; loft words and a loft hand tit the Patients mind to endure that painful operation By falls into fin, the foul breaks or dii joynts a bone, he that will fct fuch a mind mull handle it gently. We may obferve the holy skill of fume of the Saints in prayer, prepáring God for receivingof Petitions, by prefaces andhum- ble infinuations (as it were) getting within him. Thus did Abra- bam,Gen. 18, when he prayed for Sodome, Let not my Lord be angry, if I who àm but duff and afhes (peak unto thee, There fuch

Chap. An Depefitonupon the boekof JO B. %rer(i r. 7 fuch a fpiritual art in winding a reproof into the bofotne and fpi- rit of a man, Let it net trouble thee that I thusfpeak,take my words in goodparts if we afay to commune with tbeewilt thou be griev- ed ? Secondly, obferve, That it is no eafie thing to bear reproof. To take a reproof well is as high a point of fpiritual wifdom, as to give it well. When we reprove the fin, we should love the man but there are few men who can love their reprovers. You know what is Paid in the Prophet, They hate him that reproveth in the gate. Reproofs are ufually entertained with hatred, and ill taken. by evi' >erfons ; reproof is not alwayes taken in good part, by thofe who are good. It is but need to have tome way made for its due curettaintfient, by the bell temper'd fpirits. Wilt thou be grieved? it may be wearnfome anti troublefome unto thee, but I pray let it not. Thirdly, obferve from the Preface, That in fume cafes it is our duty to fpeak, and reprove whether men are troubled or no. How fhould I be pleafed if thou wouldefl receive my fpeech in good part? but I cannot with-hold my felffrom fpeaking,though thou art difpleafed ; take it how you will,.I mull fpeak, thefe reproofs muff out. When we fee plainly that God is dithonoured,and that the foul ofour brother is greatly endangered, we mull then fpeak (as God chargeth the Prophet) whether they will hear, or whe- ther they will forbear, In Inch cafes we muff adventure tofave men iSp. jad': v.21 by fear, plucking them out t f the fire. Lafily, oblcrve, That when the heart is full it is a very hard thing, not to give it vent at the lips byfpeaking. When the heart is full of matter, the tongue will be full of words ; the tongue mull bring forth the treafures that arelaid up in the heart t Who (faith Eiiphaz)can frith-holilhimfeiffrom(peaking? The Prophet Jeremiah, 9. thought to flifle the meffage ofGod in his heart, I laidI will not make mention of him, norjpeakany more its his name, he began to take up a refolution to with-hold himfclf from (peaking, but ( faith he) his Word was tin mine heart as a burning firefhut up in my bones, andl was weary with forbearing, andI could not ftay,I could not hold it any longer. So the Apotlles, As 4.19. We cannot butfpeakthat which we have heardand feen, it is impoflible for us, The Lordhashfpol{en, who can butprophefe ? Amos 3. 8. that is, who can withhold himfelf from prophefyitag when once the Lord bids him (peak. Words are the conceptions of our mindcs,

Chap. 4. An Expofttion upon the Boom of J O B. VerC I. minds, and when our thoughts are forrn'd and organized as it were, and grown to perfection, when thole children come to the birth, a little ftrength will bring them forth ; Or rather, great ftrength cannot keep them, from being brought forth. It is as pefíible for her that is with child to with -hold the birth, as it is for thofe that have pregnant conceptions, or an errand from God, to with-hold themfclves from (peaking. WhenDavid kept thence (it is a ffrange connexion) he roared, Pfd.; 2.3. when he held his peacefrom good,his forrowwas itirred,P'J:;139.2. Pangs took hold on him as upon a woman in travel, which made him roar. His heart wait hot, and the Sire burned, till lac fpake with his tongue. He was then delivered. Our Englilh pfhrafe ofDeliverioog a mans mind,may hit this fenfe well.Theirhearts are barren, whole mouthes are alwayesjh er, Who can with-hold bienfe1J fromfpeak- ing ? But what is it that he could not forbear? He could not forbear to tell him, that as he fappoCed) headed againtt his own prin- ciples. Behold thouhaj# inffru;ledmany, and thou haft firengthened Este do6orem the weak hands, &c. egregium! Beholdl This word is fometime tared in a way of derifion, as lcce medicum Gen. 3. 22, where God faith concerning Adam, Behold the man stiorum gut fe- is become as one of us, do you not fee what a God he is? how like tpfeim caure God he looks ? fo Behold thou ha f ina.ruéled man neicit. J y, (fomc make that the fenfe) fee now your great Teacher, your learned Dntor; he that bath been fo forward and bufie in teaching others, fee in what diforder, how uncotnpofed he is himfelf, he would needs phyfick his Neighbours, but knows not how to cure his own diflempers. But rather take it by way ofafIeveration. Bebold,as if he íhould fay, this is a thing clear and certain, all that are about thee can whiles it, that thou hat} inttrufked many, and that thou haft ftrengthened theweak hands. But how art thou changed ? thou art not like the man thou waft. tndofiordee- Hereare four fpecial asof fpiritual charity, fo we may call re; diftinguifh them. Firlt,in(iruding of the ignorant; fecondly, 2 Tvrpeuewex- encouraging (tithe weak and tloathful;thirdly,fupporting ofthofe cave. entes are re tdy to fall ; and fourthly, comforting thofe that are 3 d_ eri- here. ready to faint. In there four duties Job had beenvery converfant. 4 M.rJbscor!. r. inttrut`.tion of the ignorant , Behold thou ha,Sf i.oftrxe-led many. ;fat.ri 2. Encouragement of the weak and floathful, Times hafi Jtrength. nad

Chap. 4. An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Verf. 3, 4. ned the hands 3. Supportatioti of the weak, Thy word; have ttpholden him th,t was falling. 4. Confolation ofthofe who were ready to faint, Thou halfftrertgthened :be feeble knees. Here you fee thetóur ufes, which job made in his count-ell% s Tim. 3. tá.. Firft, ofinttruckion; Secondly, of Exhortation ; Thirdly, of Ad- monition; Fourthly, of Confolation 4 Joy was a perf'e t Preacher, he applies the word to all the fervices and ends ofit, refpeaing the feveral conditions, tempers, or diltetripers, of thofè with whom he had to doe. Further, force take the three latter tobe, but as explications or branches of the fìrft ; Behold thou halt inftruFied many, namely, concerning the nature of afiaions,and their duty in the bearing affliction; yea thou hail iufiruaed them fo tarre, that thou halt ffrengthened the weak hands upholden thoua that-werefailing, and ,strengthened the feeble knees. I come now to the opening of the feveral exprcfúons. Thou haft inftrulledmany.] The word which we tranflatehe- ftruZled, figuifieth both to correct and to teach ; and the Hebrews Erut!ivtr)ca. give the reafon of it, becaufe ufùally with infáruction,corretion flgavit is joyned: and fo the fame Greek word lignifies both to teach and tres precep- to chailen : As there is a voice of the Rod,infiru&ion in correcfi- tores folent pu- on, fo a Rod fometimes goes with the voice,eorrec`tion is help- er,s Yeefponder ful to infiruction: ineither or both the fenfes,we may underhand Gr`coram l- it here,t/eou haft intrusted many, thou haft taught and direacd, dutar docrre .Ít f y verbis e9' thou haft (where need was) chaftnedand corrected many. beriltus: Many] We have heard in the firft Chapter,that yob prayed for his Ctildren, for his Sonnes and Daughters; but now we fee Jobs piety extended further then his own children.Yea, the word may well be carried out beyond h is own family.Hc prayed for his children,and not only did he pray for them,but alto teach and in- ftruct them,and not only them,but otheis,hc inlarges his S..hool, he inftructs many ; it is an indefinite word, a wcrd of number without a number. jobs School of ho'y difciplinc was a large rm. one he let up his School where -ever he came; he was an univer- ilis,larcr. fal Teachers an Apoftle of the old World; thin haft inftrteled h:ephror many, tuos,e a 9uod Andthou haft ffrengthened the weak,hands. ] rnrttùAm;e r 'Ale Cs" wire The word fignifes,Remifsbands, or the hands tbat hang down navoaleseln- loofe and lax.lïience by a Metaphor it notes one,that is negligent sues.:nt. or

t o Chap. q.. 'Etn Expofition upon the Bookof J OB. Verf. 3, 4 or idle; a mm with his hands hanging down, and his armes look, Iñanus loffe is the emblem of idlcnefs or of faduefs. Thou haft firengthned the &1eje£la bra- rveakhands : that is,thofe that were idle or grieved, negligent or chia dejected. Hence the word(Kephai;n)is ufed,to lignifie thole that enolliter out are dead; and the reafon is, becaufe all ftrength, natural vigour fegmter ambu- and activity depart, when life departeth : Giants alto arc expref laattr, autcur- fed in the Hebrew by this word, becau(e they are filch dreadful lentironva per(ons that their very afped or tight terrifies the (pirit, makes E contra vero the hands hang down, and the knees of beholders feeble: they adducere bra- called thole mighty men, rveake, from that eked wrought upon ch-a,manur others : becaufe they made others weak and tremble at their ap- à roper la£lsre proaches. Hence,when Goliah the Giant challenged and dctied the ¡biros, tirenue Hoaft of Ifrael,it is faid,that all the men of Ifrael,when they faw rutrent;ref. the man, fled from him, or fled from his face (he overcame them with his looks)and were fore afraid, a Sam. 07, 24. This weaknefs of hands (as we find inflaneed in Scripture) writes four wayes. Firtt, from floth and idlenefs (as we noted bef're) Come have flrongheads, but they have weak hands, they are futlieiently in- firufed, but they cannot ad, or they are unadivc, and an una- dive man is a weak - handed man, Secondly; weaknefs of the hands cometh from fcar;and fo that phrafe, to Jtrengthen the hands, notes encouraging ofa perfon, as Zech.8. 9, 13. Fear not, let thy bands befirong,that is, let not fear weaken thy hands : and fer. 38.4.the Princes came to the King, and begg'dofhim that Jeremiah might be put to death, and they give thereaion from this,For(fay they)heweakneth the handsof the men of war that remainein the City, and the bands ofall the people, that is,he difcourages them, makes them believe they (hail never be able to (hand out againft the King ofBabylon, but that he (hall certainly take the City; this is called weakning of their hands : So 44.35.3Strengthen je the weakhands,and confirm the feeble knees, fay to them that areofafearful heart, be firong,fear not. So ye fee weaknefs of the hands is caged by fear; when the bands of the heart are diffolved (as it were) and loofened by fear, the hand mutt needs be diffolved and loofened from labour ; the Willi is slot able to work at all, when fear works much upon theheart. Thirdly,wcaknefsofthe hands arifeth from irrefolution,when a man is not refolvedwhat to do,not fetled upona buíìnefs,then his hands are weak. Hence it was the counfell ofticbitopbel todh- fal©m

Chap. 4. An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Verla 3, 4. ; jalom, that he fhould go up upon the boufe top,in the light of all jfracl,and abide his fathers Concubines; and he giveth the reafon ofit, then (faith he) Jhall the hands of all that are with thee be f rang; his meaning is,then they will be íb refolved to (lick to thee, s,,, that they will doe their utmolt; he grounds his counfel upon the prefent irrefolution of the people,he doubted whether AbJálo ;: t party would adhere cordially to him or no,therefore(faith he)doe anad which may render thy felt and all that are with thee irre- concileable to the King; this will unite them to thee, and their hands will be strong. Ifonce they be out, of hope to be receiv'd into the Kings favour, thou mailt be out of fear,that they will re- turn to the Kings obedience. In any lawful and good defìgn it is belt to raife up refolution,and ingage it to the highell. Where the heart it firongly ref lved,the bands will ac`t firongly. The reafon why men are flow and dull in\great undertakings, is, becaufe they are off and on, full Of neutrality and indifferency, in what they un- 'gamer i s. derrake.Unfetled fpirits can never fLttle aFions. A double mind- ed man is lenjiable (and weak-handed)in all his wca) es. Laftly, there is a weaknefs of the hands ( which is I conceive molt proper to this place) aritïng from forrow and grief ; from the weight and burden of affliaion,or from a fudden furprifeof trouble. As it is laid of Balteffiazar (Dan. 5. 6.)who feting the hand-writing upon the philter of the wall, prefèntly changed countenance, and his thoughts troubled him, fo that thejoynts ofhis loynes were tooled, and his k+tees(mote One againjt atother. 713ou haft Jtrengthened the weak hands; that is, chore whole hands are weak by reafon ofmanitold trials & tribulations: thou hail fpoken words to them, which have been as finews to their hands, and flrcngth unto their joynts. In this fenfe the Apoflie ufes both the expr fiions of the Text, Heb. 12, 6. where having treated about the nature of affliftions, together with the fruit and benefit of them, he concludes thus, wherefore lift up the hands which hang down and thefeeble knees; as if he fhould fay, it is pro- bable that affliction hath made your hands hang down, that for- row and grief have loofcned your fpirits and your loyns too, therefore now be ofgood cheer,lift upyour bands that hang down, and the feeble knees. :This Symptome or tffedof forrow is ele- Columns pro gantly. defcribed,Ez.el.7, 17. where the Prophet having (hewed car:tu g min s that many fhould mourn. as Doves of theVall eys, adds,all hands e.11 13771 tnamæ- Jhail befeeble, and all kneesPall be weakas water. murmur çSatlí C 2 bv cop, 7,

1 ti Chap. q.. An Expofition upon she Book of J O' B. Verf. 3, 4, Thy words have upheldhim that was falling. Some afllif,}ions lie fo hard and heavy upon us, that they doe not only weaken,but call down : lob flood ready to uphold fuch as were ready to fair timely advicemay catch a man before he is quite down, andpre - from t7imn vent his fall. 17iti The word which we tranflate faüing,fignifies in its first fenfe,to lmpicgere& Rumble or ftrike the foot againfi a thing,and fo it is put for that q""df`peo°"- which is the confiquent of Bumbling, faring : he that (hikes his fequiiur ruere, radert. foot or Stumbles at a thing,is in danger ola fall. So /12.40.30. The young men fball utterly fall, it is this word, but doubled, fail ing they(hall fall, that is, they Shall utterly fall. There is a threefold falling mentioned in Scripture. 1. There;is a falling into lin, Gal. 6. 1. If a man be overtaken goVc' err_ in afault:that word (like this Hebrew in the Text)tìgnifies,a fall cipuèfignj&at taken by humbling or tripping upon any thing, that lyes in the peccatavBita. way. In this fenle we underhand thefall of Adam, the fall ofAn_ E1Q'a els and the falls ofthe Saints. m. ?i.l, ad 9 vs hum pre- 2. There is a falling into afllic` ion, a falling into trouble ; So ter ead-recum Prov. 24. 16. ?he juts manfleshf ven times a day ; that is, he feil. ultra re- meetsaâliC.Sion at every turn, he falls into trouble almoh at every Bari jadns il. f;p. Seven timesa day, is very often in the day, or often every demow eti- day. amlevioribus 3, There is a falling under trouble. And ofperfons falling fo ufurpa Jar , we arc chiefly to underhand this Text.Many fall into trouble,who in compefiti. PIS yet ( through the hrength ofChrilt ) hand firmly under trouble. nitwit fenfura. Others no tooner fall in, but they fall under it. The fhoulders of fome, are not able to bear a light afifi<ion, and the afflietions of othersarc foheavy, that no fhoulders are able tobear them ; the back breaks, the fpirit finks under the load. To fuch as thefe jab lent his hand, his thouiders his eons fcl was as a faffe in their hands, as ligaments to their loynes and knees. jobwas well skild in felting propsand buttreffes ofholy advice, to fuch tottering fouls. Thou haft upheld him that falling. We may take the words in all , or either ofthefe three interpretatins, yet molt properly of the latter. Thou baftflrengthened thefeeble knees. The Hebrew word for Genuquod,fla a knee, fignifies (in the root) to biefsor to pray, becaufe in bief- foie: in be- Ping and praying for one,or in faluting , we life tobow the knee. ned, hits bw And hare, what we tranflate thefeeble knees, is word for word the íg falut,uioni- k*ees ; becaufe when knees bow and buckle or 1cioublc un sler

Chap. o<. An Expo fition upon tliel¿. Bof ) O B. Verf. 3 4 der us, it proceeds from weakncfs and teeblenefs, hence the bow- ing knee is called the feeble knee, Dan.6.5,it is laid of Belfhazzar, bit knees fmete one againft the other ; he fainted, his fpirits tank within him, then his knees ( as a fymptome ofhis fear ) beat one against another. The hangingdown ofhands, notes a kind ofde- fpair in regard ofprefenc evils ; and feeble quaking knees, feeme to referre to force expct`ed evil. Taking the words with that dif- ference, jobs work otlove appears more full ; he not onlyupheld in prefeut troubles,but labour'd to firengthen against fuch as were to come Thou haftinjtrueied many, and intruded them many, even all thefe waycs. We may note, Firft, That to teach, injtrult, and comfort others, is not only a mans duty, but his praife, for here Eliphaz (peaks it in a way of commendation, though with an intent to ground a reproofupon it. Job himfclf (peaks of what he had done in that kind,as a de- fence of his own innocence, Chap. 29. veil-. 21 &c. Vnto me men gave ear and waited, andkept _Pence at my conuf el ; after my words theyfpake not again, and my fpeech dropped upon them ; and they waited for me at for the Rain, and they opened their mouth wide, as for the latter Rain. This was his pradife, and this was the praife ofjob. That which the Apostle fpeaks as a fpecial qualification or gift of a Bifhop, r Tim. 3. 2. is an excellent, a noble qualiti- dlJaixrtn®-. cation in any perfon, ofwhat rank or degree foever, to be apt to teach. Secondly,Confder who job was ; he wasa holy man,orae that had much acquaintance and communion with G7a. Now though his friends mistook what was in his heart, yet they hit right upon his praife and we knowing both what his heart was, by the re- ftimonyofGod : and what his pradifc was, from the teiiimony of men,may ground a fecond poynt upon it. That Juchas knowGod ix trxtb and bolinefs, are very ready to communicate theknow_ , eurem ejl ledge ofGodstnto others. They who know God themfelves, are core¡oreleemo. desirous that others fhould know God.too. David(Pfal, 51..43.) fyne, pod ma_ promifethandprofeffeth, that he would communicate his experi- c©USiaifa. ekesofGods love, in pardoning his fin, when he had tatted the ricero rudee fweetnefsofa pardon. Then will I teach tranfgreffors thy way!, fegneredbeM and fnuers(ball be converted unte thee : when my heart °hath agendum citi, learned more of God, others (hail learn more of God from my mulare, laben- mouth. This is fpiritual charity, and it is the molt excellent and remerigen, noblelt charity ofall, Charity to the foul is the foul ofcharity, tonfL Ya Pori, charity

job ag ,g. Gen. 18.17, 18,19 1 ° %1i-1 Gen. 14, Pray, za. 6. Chap. ,}. An Expofition upon the Book of O B. Verf. 3+'4' charity to the better part, is the bell charity. In this fence alto jobwas eyes to the blinde,andfeet to the lame,by guiding them to ice, and by directing their feet to walk in the wayes of God. To give knowledge is better then to give Goldt jnfiruetion is the highett alines. Thirdly.,if we confider yob (ofwhom all this is affirmed) as he was a great rich manrwe may note thus much That honourable and great men, bole nothing of their honour andgreatnefr by de- feendingto the.infiru:Won of others, though their inferiours. Sotne think it belongs only unto Minitlers to initruct ; What, we in- flruct. They relent it as a difparagenent : they truft out that work wholly into the haudsofothers. W here thall we find an A- b, aham agreat Prince in his time) of whom God gave this Tct i- mony, Iknow him that he will oommand h. :children, &c.-andthey frail beep the wayof the Lord: and, becaufe he was willing to teach others, God condefcends to teach him : shall Ihide from Abraham that thingwhich I doe. They receive molt knowledge, who are molt ready to impart it. And we findbefore this, Abra- ham fo teaching, that he had an Army offcholars in his houfc.The.Text faith, when heprepar'd for that expedition to refcue,his'Nephew Lot,that he arrned:'thrrehundred & eighteen of his trained, catechized,or infiructed fervants.The word ligni- fis, to train in the PrinciplesofReligion, as well as in the po- ftures of war : being the fame ufed in the Bookof Proverbs, for teaching.a child the firft elements of holy knowledge. And that placeot Gelíeiìs may very.:well comprehend both. Fourthly, obferve,.That charity; efpecialiy fpiritual charity, is very liberal and open-hearted. Job instructed not onlyhisown,but he infiructed others,he initrueted many;he didnot confinehisdo- urineand.his advice to his own wal ls,but the found thereof went whcrcfoever he went ; he inftructed many. And ifjob,who had ria. fpeciál;no direct 'eailing to itywere teacher ofmany : what 1hall we think ofthófe,w``.oíècaliing & buhnefs it is to teach, and yet not teach any at all? -their trade;theirprofdlion is to teach,yet they are fO far from teaching rnany,that they teach none,& which is worfe, they hinder teaching,they flop the mouth of the teach- er,S& (iftheycan) the ear of the learner, they take away the key of knowledge, 71rey. neither opeh the door thin-delves, ,ior Iiisfet thofeithat would _ This is the veryfpirit of wickednefs:And bled _ fed be God,whofe [nightypower bath fo graciously call -out and difpoffett

Chap. 4. An Expofition upon the Boekof J O B. Verf. 3 , 4. a 5 difpofífít fo many places of the Kingdom of thefe wicked fpirits. Further, taking thofe other parts of his inftrudion, as they re- fpef# perlons arllifted, who arc here defcribed by weakbandt, and feeble knees, ready tofall, unable to}land. Oblcrve first, That fore affliEtions doe exceedingly indifpofe for duty. Sore affluions make weak hands and feeble knees . The weak hand and the feeble knee are (as I Paid before) em- blemsof one unfit for any bufinefs y unfit to work, unfit to walk; when the hard is weak and the knee is feeble, what is a man fit for? Great fufferings unfit usfor action. Hence it is that the Lord moderates the arflidions ofhis people,fweetens the bitternefs,atd takes off the oppreffìng weight of them. God prarnifeth to come Ifa, g7, t6. with reviving, and that he will not contend for ever with his peo- ple. Why? A principal reafon is, Leff their fpirittfhouldfail be- fore me, and the f toles which I bave made. Left the fpirit fhould faile; that is, left they (hould fail in their duties : the fpirit can- not fail in the cffence of it, the fpirit is oían eternal conflitution; but it faileth in the duty often. And ifaf IiC ions lie too hard and too long upon a people, their fpirits fail,their faith fails, their courage failes, their labours cannot be laborious, to carry on & carry out their work.Therefore when job law any under afíii- fttions,, he endeavour'd to put courage into their hearts, and fo ftrength into their hands. Secondly, In the general we may note further, That the words of the wife have a-mighty power, f}rength, andprevalence in theta:. You fee how effteatious the words ofjob were; jobs inflrufions were ftrcngthnings, thou hail ffrengthned the weak hands& fee ble knecs;his wordswere as flays to holdthem up,that were ready to fall:Eiiphaz doth not only lsy,thou didit inilpuc many,& in iaffruding thou diditintend,ít was thy defìgn&aim to ffrengthen the weakhands,but he fpeaks of whatJob had etfeTted&wrought;. thy words put linews into the hands and knees ofmen that were weak and ready to fall, thy words were as props to hold and bear up the fpirits of thofe that were finking.Words wifely difpenfed, and followed with the bleffing ofGod, what can they not doe.? God doth the greateft things in the World by a word fpeaking ? as at the firff he made the world it felf by a word fpea king; fo he hath done the greateft things, & wrought the greateft changes in the World by a word fpeaking.When a word goes forth cloathcd with theauthority and power of God, it workes'wonders. How bath