Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 4. An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Verf. 14, 93 of the Divine Ocean fwallowes up all men, and one ray of that Eternal Light dazies him. From anyor all thrfe confederations, apZ`1p it may be, that fear and trembling took hold upon Eliphaz, like .to: umenao. an armed nían,as loon as the viilon appeared : far met him(faith 5eP ©:currir the Original)or(as the Septuagint)fear eame out,and(as it were) obviam fat7ui flood in the way to furprize and apprehend him. `? stein. Neither was this bare fear, but fear hcightned, fear accompani- cd with trembling. Trembling of the body is a fymptome or figs of great fear ; when fear works outwardly, manifefting it fellby fad effects upon the body, then fear is in its reign and greatnefs. There are four fpecial cffeets which fear works upon the body, and we have threeof them here in the Text.The firft is,the quak- ing or the (halting of the members of the body; the fecond is the (hiking of the bones, the third is the fianding up ofthehair;& the fourth is the palenefs and wannefsof the countenance. All except the Taft appeared upon Eliphaz at the appearance of this vifion. Firft, he trembled in this 14 werfe, Fear came upon me and trembling: thLfe two go often together in Scripture : you ¡hall find trembling coupled with godly fear; as well as with natural fear, Pffl. 2. r i. Serve ;be Lord withfar (with reverential filial fear) and rejoyce before him with trembling; that is, let your fear be an exceeding great fear, even fuch, as with an awfu11 trembling at the prefenceof the Lord. The Apofile Paul(Phil.2. 12.) puts them together again, Workoutyour Salvation withfear and trembling. The fecond cffc.c` is (baking of the bones, It made all my bones Qaf dicar to (hake ; as ifhe had laid, this fear frayed not in the fie¡h,but de- Tremor non frút fcended, and entred intomy bones. I was deeply affeEred with it, f ,Phemcia%, We tranflate ; Whichmade all my bones to f ake ; The word in the intent. qui . Hebrew is, it made the multitude ofmy bones, or, my bones how etiam affa cons manyfoever they are to Make. TheHebrews have this rule, that c:ueret.t quip. the major part is ufually taken for the whole, therefore the mul- Gruait ufo pe titude of his bones, or many ofhis bones, is well tranilated,ali his of, tremor. bones. And the Verb which we render floake,isof thefame root Virg. a. Ans. with fear, fear came uponme ; fo that according to the Letter we may read it thus, Fear came upon me,and trembling, which made all my bones to fear: A bone is in it felf fenfelefs; and therefore fearlefs; but to Phew how extream and deep thisfear was,he faith, it made fearenter into that, which is without fear, and path of it fell no feeling ; it muds my very bones to fear, as well as my heart