Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

To the Reader. God never lets him lie in 1,s aini&:ons, for, as loon as he cries and calls, the Lord awakes prefently, makes his habitation profperons again, and increafes him more than ever...I grant the Lord may c.sft down a perfe& man, but, he will not (in this life) cart him away; no hewill fpeedily fill his mouth with laughing, and his lips with rejoycirg Zophar, the third opponent dif-err ,from the twoformer in this ,great controver f e, afiriming, Thar, the reafon of all thofe afflictions, which prefs the children of men, is to be refolved into the abfolute will and pleafure of Cod 5 that, we arenot further to enquireabout his wif- dom, juftice or mercy in difpencing them his counfels being unfearchable, and his wayes pact finding out. Thus he delivers his mind (chap. tit. 7. 8.) Cantle thou by fearching find out God ? Canit thou by fearching find him out to perfection ? It is as high as Heaven, what cantt thou do ? Deeper than Hell, what canft thou know? Verf. 12. Vain man would bewife,though man be born like a wild Affes colt. in the refl. of his fpeech he comes nearell the opinion of Bildad, verf. 14, ¡5, 16. andgives out as hard thoughts ofJob, as either of h c brethren, nurnbrivghitma among the wicked, and affgninghim the re- ward ofan hypocrit((chap. ro. 29.) This is the portion of a wicked man from God, and theheritage appointed tin. to him by God. There (1 conceive) are the CharaAerifocal Opinions of Jobs three Friends, about hiscafe. 411 conf¡tenttrith thofe four prineiples,which they hold in common, all equallydoling in the cenfure andcondemnation ofJob,' bough infume things diffenSing andfallingoffromone another. But zrhat thinks Jct.) ? cr hczr cloth he acquit or extricate hinzfel f from theft è d f fâculties? verywell,Hisjentence as 1, Loin.. ly ? cis. shat The providence of God, difpences outward profperity