Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 4. An Expofitionupon the Book of J p B. Verf, 17. 107 Divine authority, in the fore-going words; and we have a proofe 'Numquid Iror,. from reafon, in the following part of this Chapter. romparat,0 Shall mortall man be morejuff thanGod? or Shall Man be jug ue babt fled in comparifon ofGod? or , Shall max bejuftbeforeGod ? The fútxx8xpósfisas Chaldee Paraphrafe is yet more quick: The Spirit cryed out and ßp,zcs z.ai1íoti laid, Cau it poilibly be, that manfhouldbe more pure than God ? xvp :e Sept. The words are propounded by way ofqueflion, we may refolve elamaba of them into this negative propofition, Mortali man is not more u dicobat Merino paled ut homo then God, man is not morepure then his Maker. quam ro pró We tranflate Mortali man, the Hebrew is butone word , yet riorflr. Gbald, in the propriety ofthat language, it contains,both , notingman WIN rrt nn;s With an addition(fuch as it fs)ofweaknefs and fraïlty,themeaneíf peccatb ob= andLowe$ eflate of man: Encfh,a poor lick, weak dying creature, noxi. a creature of fo little hope, that Come derive this name in the He- quafr brew, from defparation ; acreature fo unworthy to be remem- %V' .1i^ quo bred by God,orfo ready to forget God, that Others derive it from renf É bpi á a word, which fignitif s forgettulnefs, or to forget. ,ittj dedurir, Shall man, this mortali man, this weake creature, be morejuft, quad oblivifcì or be juliified rather then God? Such a fenfe the words carry, fi, ni..flcat F,C When man and God are compared together , (hall God be cpee- A Oi« r in- med lets jufl, or leis pure then man ? (Luk a8 . 14. ) it is faid of the Publican, that he went downjuftified, rather then the other ; viofum dices, put the Pharifee and the Publican in the ballance together, and I1rur. the Publican was the weightier in righteoufnefs,or the more juif ofthe two : That in Luke,is an Hebraifme,and it is the fame With this. Put weak man and the mighty God (the word Eioloa,which sndi armpu. is here ufedfor GOd, noterh the firong God, or the mighty God) 1a: comtarari® put him in the ballance of confderation withweak man, will he exprimitur pet not be infinitely more weighty in juttïce, more finning in purity, 3rp'frionein more glorious in holinefs ltimt calms;. ü, j "atut . Yea, not only if you take man in his obi-curet' notion, Or in this iBoi.r. præ iUo. term of extenuation, Enolb, for a weak man, a poor creepled Luk Is, 14. creeping creature ; but take him in his bell c tate, as he is (Geber ) a ftrong man, a powerful man, a holy man : yet as it follows inY' quo/l t'41í' dtss,a 9 !arts the 't`ext, /,hall tizaìz be more pure then his Maker ? that is, (hall ne à virilisa fuch a mighty man, a wife man, a learned man, a gracious man, diÑu,, a markaccomplifhed in all natural, in all acquired endowments, the chiefeft and choifeft,the cream and flower ofall the men upon the face ofthe earth ; AWorthyof the firft three, the Fiat o fall the Worthies ; Amanof the firft magnitude,of the higheft eleva- P 2 lion,