Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 4.. An Expofition upon the Eookof O B. Verf. r', 113 ties in God,but they are his very nature ; A man, may be a man and yet be unjuft, but Godcannot be God and beunjufl ; A man, may be a man and yet impure, but God cannot be God andbe im- pure; fo that Juftice and impurity are not qualities or accidents in God, but his very efTence and being; deftroy or deny the purity and juftice of God, and you put God out of the world, as much as in you lies: for he cannot be God, unlefs he be both juft to others, and pure in hirnfelf, Fourthly, Take this conclufion, The heft men compared with God are evil, and the hoiieje are impure. Not only is it pre- fumption but a lye, for men to compare with God ; Shall mor- tall man be morejuft then God? It is as if he thould fay, man hath no_Jutliceat all compared with God : fhall man bemorepure then Lid- Maker ? Man compared with his Maker, hash no purity at all, toot-fo much as a name or a fhadow of Juflice,and purity, compa- red with God : though it be fomewhat in it felf, yet it is no- thing before him : In thy fight, or before thee, (hall no flefh living bejuftified,or be juft. All that righteouftaefs and purity,which God bath put into the creature, is but as the light ofa candle, to the light of the Sun,The candle bath no light in it, comparedto the Suns Husena uf1l the Candle enlightens thenight,buta thoufand Candles cannot 4 comparareb. day,or make theday lighter then it is; Sun-light over comes and Íufliriaefl;quia fwallows up Candle-light : The Stars help us to fee in the dark, lucerne iro but in the bright day time, the Stars themfelves cannot be ken : renebrsf fulgera fo all creature purity difappears and vanifheth, when once we f lisadio¡ look upon the purityof Gad, who is light, and in whom there is tarenebrarur. no darkness at all, TheApoflle Paul hath a parallel expreflion Greg. (a Cor.3, i o ) fpeaking of the adminiflration of the Jewifh cere- monial, earthly fhadows, and the adminiltration of light in Go- fpel heavenly ordinances ; Even that whichwas madeg/orious,had no glory in this refpell, by reafon of the gory that excelleth : J do not deny (faith he) but there was great glory in the Jewith Church ; Gods inftitution tiampt excellency upon the worfiip of the Jews ; Their Ceremonies were made glorious ; bttt' if you will compare Jewith worship, to Chriftian worthip, it bath no glory in it at all , that which was made glorious, had noglory, iy reafonof the glory that excelleth, that is, Gofpel glory. So we may fay, man who was made glorious, man who was made gra- cious and juts, bath no grace, no jutlice, noglory in him,in com- parison of that glory which doth excel ; namely, that jutlice and Q purity