Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

324. Chap. q_: An Expofitionupon the Bookef J O B. Verf. r:8 It is feafonable for us to lookto our hearts in fuch a time as this it is a timeof temptation, let us not by our murrnurings,make it a time of provocation. PofiibIy we may often fee caufe to coal- plain of men, but we can never have taufe to complain of God. There is but little goodgot by complaining ofcreacures; but how much guilt and mifery gets he, who complains of his Creator? For a man to complain to matt, is in fome cafes neceffary , but it isbeft in all cafes, to complain to God, and the wont ofany cafe, tocomplain (-though fi.lently) of God. So then, complain ofman to God, rather then of man to men ; complain often to God, but never of God : Complainbefore God, and tell him, that, fuch have dealt negligently, fuch falfly, filch unjuftly, fuch cruelly ; But alwayes fay, Lordthou haft donejuftly, even by thofe who are unjuff ; Lord thou haft done gracioufly, even by thofe who are wicked; Lord thou bag done holily, even by the band of thofe who are unholy ;. and thou haft dealt faithfully, though tbefe have been treacherous.. Thus let us complain to God, but not of God. Every complaint of God will be interpreted, a ferret ju- flification ofour felves,and a condemnation of the righteous God. Man is then worfe then a Devil, when he would make himfelf better then God : Nothing pollutes man, fo much as ibis thought, that there it unrighteoufnefs in God: Nothing debafes the creature f much, as that thought, defire, or ali, wherein heprefers andex- alts bimfelfabove the Creator. Thus we have opened thegeneral propoftion : The probation of it, from the va?t difference betweenmen and Angels, isprofe- cuted at large, in the latter part of the Chapter. J O B, Chap. 4. Verf. t8. Behold he put no truft in hisfervauts, andhis Angels he chargedwith folly. . Liphaz having laid thedignityofenan(comparing with God) in the dufk by thofe humbling queftions,in the former verte, What it man that hefhonldbe juif ? andfhall man be morepure then bit Maker? He now ftrengthens it further, that there is no cora - parifon between God and mortal man, by a dire affertion, that thés: is tao corpasifon batmen Godand immortal tingels.. Behold