Chap. q.. An Expofition upon the Beokef J ® fl. Vert 18, 13! ven, jfrengthning him. That which they do to Chrifl the Head, they do to his Members in their proportion. Their fifth fervice, is to convcigh and carry the fouls of de- parted Saints to Heaven: they are Heavenly Porters(Luke 16.22.) Lazarus dyed, and was carried by the Angels into Abrahams bofome. Lafily, they (hall convoca to and gather all the Eleft together at the laft day, Matth. 24. 31. Their fervices againft the wicked and all enemies of the Church have been many and great. Angels arjt Saints, and óppofe the oppofers of Sion. Two Angels were tent upon a mc(l'age of Deliruetion toSodome ; au Angel defeated the Hoag ofSenacherib ; an Angel fmotebloody perfecuting He- rod; Angels(by name,ifnot by nature power out the feven vials of Gods wrath in the Revelation. And at the lairDay Angels thall hurry the wicked to Chrifis Tribunal ; they are heavenly Purfevants; and they (hall bundle the Tares up together,as fu- el to be throwne into everlafting burnings, Mat. 13.41, 42. And it may be a great comfort tous,thatGod bath fuch fervants. When visible dangers are round about us, we {Lould remember, God hath inviGble fervants round about us. There are morewith ors, then againjt us, as Llifba told his fearful fervant, 2 Kings 6. And in that low eftate of the Church,Zeeh. a. 8. The Prophet is (hewed Cbrif} in a vitiate jtanding among the Mirtle trees in the bottom, (the Mirtle trees in thebottom; noted the Church in a low eitate) and behind him there were red Rorfes, fpeckledand white ; that is horfemen fpeckledand white.Thefe diverfe colon- red Hodes were Angels appointed for feveral offices,as the learn- ed Junius (with others) interprets it ; The redborfes being ap- pointed for judgment, the white for mercy, and the fpeckled, Cas he conjeétures)for mixt ao`tions,being lent out,at once to protect and help thepeople ofGod, and to execute wrathand judgment upon the adverfary. Thus we fee the Cervices of the Angels ; they are fervants,yet filch as themoil' wife Godputs no tru/f in;therefote we have anAngel better then Angels, even the-Angel of the Cove- nant, the Lord Jefus, into whofe hands our fafety is committed, to whole care the Church is left, in whom God puts the whole. trait, knowing that thisgreat Angel is, and forever will be faith- ful, in and over his houfe,to his higheft delight,and the Churches compleateft welfare. Sa Anp