Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

i6 134 'Chap. 4. An Expojtion upon the Book of J O S. Vert. r S 1l not alway beforgotten, the expefiation ofthe poor shall net peril," for ever ; Co we read, but in the Hebrew the Iatter claufe is, the expeEiation ofthe poor _hall perifbfor ever : there is no Negative in the Original ; but our 7ranflators, and not only, they, but all that I have Peen upon the place,render it fo, fupplying the Nega- tive particle of the former, in the latter claufe of that fentence. And without that negative,the lèntence is not only impede&but untrue. Thus, 7beneedy fleali not alwayes beforgotten, the ex- peetationof' the poorfrail perifhfor ever, this were a contradiìion but read it, the expedat ion of the poor fha11 not peri(h for ever, makes the whole a truth, and congruous in it felt. Again t Prov. 17. 26.) To punijb the juf is not good, to ftrike Princesfor equity, fo the letter of the Hebrew ; but we read it thus, Topunifb the juif is not good, nor to Jtrike Princesfor equity. I might give you other examples, but a tafle may fuflice. Thus in the Text be- fore us, when it is Paid in the tìrll claufe, Heput no truft in hisfer- vants, we take up the negative, and fay in the fecond, neither bath heput Light into bis Angels, or be didnot put Light in bis Angels, or be put no perfeEl Light into bis Angels, or he judgednot clear Light to be in his Angels. Secondly, They, who (according to our Tranflation) render it madnefs or folly, vain boajiing or vanity, there take the Original in that figurative fencebefore given. When a man from a reflefti- on upon his own worth,boafts out his ownpraifes, which,bccaufc it is a point of extream vanity and folly, therefore the word is elegantly applyed to fignife folly, &c. He charged bis Angelswith filly. He put, or laidfolly upon, or to bis Angels ; He put, for fo the Hebrew word bears.Not that the vanity which is in Angels is ofGods putting, but the folly that is in them, he puts to them, , or cbargetb it upon them, or layeth it to their charge. As we fay, i117,11112 Such a one put it home uponhim ; that is,he chargethhim found- ly, or fully, with fuch a crime or offence. To charge, is a judi- cial or Law-term, implying that the Lord fitting in Judgment, to examine the ftateof Angels, charged them by way of accu- fation, and upon tryal found them (in afenfe) guilty of that, which, though they had notformed into any one fin, yet might befogried and fhap'd into any fin, Follyor vain-glory. Hatinggiven tome account of tholecerms,Chargingand Folly, He charged his Angels with folly, it grows to a great doubt what Angels we are here to underfland : what Angels didGod thus charge !r