71''fft`>004.,14' ele'ato11 M'*iro$NO$SWit 1e,t444 1v0f0K01sk.k°k°a''00014.***140eMkO"Mtk 01» A IY EYPO,SITION UPON THE Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Chapters of the Book of JOB JOB, Chap. 4. Verle t. Then Eliphaz the Temanite anfroered andfail. 2. Ifweaffay to communewith thee,wiltthou begrieved? But who can with-holdbimfel f fronefpea4jng2 3. Behold thou haft infiruCed many, and thou hall flrengthened the wea(hands. 4. Thy words bave upholden hies that was falling, and thou hail firengthened thefeeble knees. 5. But now it is come upon thee, and thou fainteft, it toucheth thee and thou art troubled. 6. is not this thyfear, thy confidence, the uprightnefs of thy wages and thy hope. O S complaint ended in the former Chapter : in this a hot dífpute begins. Job having curs'd his day, is now chid himfcli. And he had fuck a chiding,as was indeed a wounding,fuch as almost at every word, drew blood , and was not only a Rod upon his back,but a Sword at his heart. lob was wounded fiat by Satan,he was wounded a fecond timeby his Wife, 1