zq.o Chap. 4. .ron Expofition uponthe,Bookof J O B. Verf. 13. their works :when we can fee nothingamifs in a work,God can : as. the Apojiiie acknowledges (ì Cor. 4.. 4. ) I know nothingby my [elf :1 profefs when I. look into the courte of my Miniítry (for he (peaks to that particular) when I lookhow I have difcharged my Apofilefhip, my confcience bearsme witnefs, I know ofno nnfaithtulnefs or neglect, but yet, though Iknow nothing by my felf, Iam not herebyjuftifled, but be that judgethme is the Lord : as ifhe should fay, when God comes to look over my work , he may find faults,many faults in it;there is no (landing for creatures before God in any creature- purity : angelical perfection is impr- fed inhis fight.Angels have not the kalt fpot or tinEtture of 1ìn in their nature, yet the nature ofAngels is potentially finful. The belt creature(in regard ofpure naturals)tnay be wrought to evil, only God cannot. And the reafonis, becaufe every one may err, whohath not the rule ofrighteoufisefs within him: and therefore it is impollìble God should err,becaufe his own will is the rule of his own actions : He is every way a law unto himfelf. The Apo. file (peaking of the Gentiles (Rom. 2. I¢.) faith, Thefe having not the law, are a,law unto themfelves, Not that their Nature is a.law, (which is the tranfcendent priviledgof God) but,that, they have the law of Nature,or the law printed in. their Naturc,though not publifhed to their ear ; They have the,law written in their hearts, but the heart ofGod is his law,both written and unwritten. Crea- tures,how perfect foever in their Nature,have the will ofGod for their rule and law:which though it be within them, yet it is not Thert,and 'do they may ad befide it. The hand of the Artificer of, ten fails in cutting.or fafhioning'the work . he is about, becaufe his hand is not the rule by which he works. :. his hand.works by a.rule or line,his hand is not that rule or line, therefore he fore times. ítrikes right ; -and fometimes he fárikes wrong ; but if the hand ofa man were the rule' by which heworks,then it were im- pollible that ever he fhould work amifs.,. Thus it is with God, the very will ofGod which'a±s,is the ruleby, which heafts,hence Sytum alum a- it is im oflible for God to , fail ;. .Angels and men ad b a rule flues rì refïi- p g y. reline declina_ prefcribed,their will is one thing, and the rule is another ; the re noncortin.. 'power by, which they work is one thing,- and .:the . dire'ion by git,cu;urregu". which 'the work is another; and'.theretore(to (hut u this point) líai gn .v` " themoft perfect creature'may pof ably fwerve and err in afiing tu;n pear. r. q. Only he cannon err,in any thtrtght doth whofé will isxbeperfetl.rule 43. art r. ofa&'he loth,. Fifthly,,