Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

164 Chap. 4. tinExpofition upon the Book,of J O B. Verf 2r, cy of his wifdome : for that dwels in a houle ofclay,whofe four- dation is in the duff : his frailty is not curable by his excellency, nor his mortality conquerable by his wifdotne,he dial! dye as if he ñéninfapien- had no wifdome.And fome who have molt worldly wildome,dye ria extenuate with lealf,yea, they with the greatefl folly. Not in wifdome, eJ1,i einmag- may be an extenuation, or a weer gentle, catie expreilion, for, in na flultitia, abundance of folly. I remember it is obferved concerning Para- Pitae4 celfits(a great Phylìtian, a man exceedingly vent in Chymical expe< riments) that he brag'd and boafted,he had attained ro Inch wit- dom in difcerning the conffitutions ofinen,and fiudying remedies -, that whofoever did follow his rules, and keep to his diredltonsi iheuld never dye by any difeafe; cafually he might, and ofage he mufl,but he would undertake tofecure his health againlf difeafes; a bold undertaking. But he who by his art promifèd to protect others,to extream old age from the arrelf of death, could not by all his art or power make himfelfa proted:ion in the prime of his youth but dyed even as one without witdome,before, or when he had teen but thirty. Secondly, They dye without wifdome.That they cannot carry their wifdorne away with them; as not their, worldly riches and pompe, fo nor their worldly wifdome and knowledge, Chap. 36. 12. Thirdly, They dye even without wifdome, that is,they prepare not wifely for death. This is thecondition ofmoil men, their ex cellency goes away with them,and they dye without wifdome; they have had wifdom, but they dye as if they had none, that is, tLey apply not their wifdome while they live, to fit themfelves. for death They die before they underlfand what it is to live, or why they live. This wifdome is wanting in moll men;and of all fuch, the Pfalmift conclude, to this retire of the place, Man- being in honour andunderJtandeth not, id like the beafis thatperifhjfal, 49.20. That is, he perifhesfoolifhly and without wifdome, like fitnenr 02er:tntue a beafl,though in his life a manof honour and excellency. He that atvetin. dies uitpreparedly,dies foolifhly. It is the wifdorne of than to prienrer.Draf. live in the world in the meditation of; and preparation to his de- parture r©riun- P P rur quavegric- out of this world. And it is Inch a wifdom as is above quasa tatellex- man,therefore David prays, Pfal. 39. 4. Lord, make me to know Brine de diving mine endand the meafure of daye.r, what it it ; that Imay know fapientia,Mcr. bow frail I am ; as if he had Paid ; Lord I have been confdering this and that thing(haplyDavids thoughts were in the duff, and he had beenhandling the clay out ofwhich he was made)yet faith he,