b7o Chap: 5. AhExpofttan Rpm rho Book. of O B. Verf. when they were cryingout to their ldol for help, and e Yïgrae by lire, Cry aloud (faithhe) cry aloud, he had them cry aloud, yet he knew the Idol was deafe and dumb, and could neither hear their cry, nor give them anfwer ; So Eliphaz feems to (peak to Jab, Cry aloudnow, to.:this, ..to that Saint. with whom thou art acquainted here on earth, or cry to Heaven, cry to God himfelf; call this way, call that, if any will anfwer thee, eitherGod above, or Saint below, thou (halt not find here or there any to atria, any to relieve thee,And fo he feems to allude to that juft retaliation of God, who ufually turnes hisear from their cry in a day oftrouble who have turned their cars from his connfels in the dayes ofcom- fort ; As (Prov. i.)Wifdom threatens,They.Jhall, call but I will not rtx imtribula. anfwèr, they Jhall cry, but I will not. hear. Why ? becaufe snvenit qdone art non uern the y have refuted infiru'fiou, and have not chofen the fear of the gum in trot, Lord. gmilirare con. In the fourth place,Mofìof the Popith.writers ,,bufie themfelves tempo. Greg. much to ground invocation ofSaints,and the interceflion ofSaints in loc; for us, upon this text : As if Eliphaz had dire ted Job to cry to the Saints departed i Call nowif .there be any that will anfwer, and to which of the Saints. milt thou turn? what Saint wilt thou choofe for thy patron or helper in this fad condition i So they teachand pradife, having appointed a peculiar. Saint in the Kalender of the . year, to the help of every.. particular of lic` ion in their lives,and to thefe they turn themfelves in every diflrefs They have a. Saint for the Sea, and a Saint for the Land, a Saint for the Fire, anda Saint for the Water, a Saint for each elifeafe of the body, and for each difafter in the Family : To tome of thefc they. fuppofe Job was advifed to have recourfe,for fuccour and comfort in his trou-, bles. And yet they arc divided in opinion, and give a double ¡ oänra Throe. fenfe about it. Fir ft, As if Eliphaz had thus befpoken hi t If thou daft not give credit unto me, nor believe what I havefpo revealed, fromGod, then call thou thyfelf upon God, and trr, ether he willnot.give thee fome. anfwer,and refalvethy doubt : O+' if by neafon o f thine own u'nwortbynefs, thou cans not obtain an iìnme- diate an fwer at the band o f God,then turn thee to f®me ofthe Saints, that by their mediation thou mayjt receive light from God, to ajfure thee about my vifton, whether it werePent. fromHeaven or no. Secondly, Others interpret it more largely, as if Elipbat per- ceiving Job tobe brought to fome light and acknowledgment of,.his fins, aid now to thirft after the pardon of them*: he