Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 5. AnExpofttion upon the Book of J QB. Verfe. 1. 173 render anfwer, lignifies not only, anfwering to a queflion, but an anfwering to a condition, or a correfpotidency irTa life. f'erbumrefpon: There is an anfwering, by likene&s of works,as well as by htnefs of dere,inhoc lo- words. A real anfwerand a verbal'anfwer. Take it fo, and then to frgnlfrcao Call now to the Saints, call them all by their names, intends.oniy n¡em ét l thus much, fee if there be any that are like thee, or fuit either thy parorionen . fpirit or thy condition, if there be any. to whom thou mayefl pa- queue refponfe rate' thy Pelf,, either in the matter or manner-of thy fufferings. oncm. eden Thou art more like a Heathen, who knows not God, then any of theSaints,in there cotnplainings. And feeing, out ofthe aboun- danceof the heart, the mouth fpeaks,thefe words Cpeak thy heart abounding in fin, but empty of grace. Face anfwersface in the mater. But neither thy face nor heart, will anfwereither heart or face of any of the Saints, in thefe waters of af?lic` ion. We find this word fìgnifying timilitude orcomparifon, or the equivalence of one thing to another, in that inflance, Ecclef a a, 19. Money anfwers ßl1 things ; the meaningof it is,that money in a proporti- onor value Cuits paralels and fits all things : there is nothing in the world, but you may fuit it with a proportion of money, mo- ney will anfwer it money anfwers ar is like all things; by ane- quivalency, though not in a formality,. And to which of the Saints wilt thou- turn? The Septuagint read it, To which of the Angels wilt thou look? ñ' fr`snra áy- and the learned Mercer adheres to that tranflation, as thinking 2'4Á``a d}íate that by Saints are meant Angels, though, he be fo far from laying °44' any bottom in the words for the Popifhopinion of the meditation of Angels, that he expreflycondemns it ; but he gives the fade thus, as if Elipbaz had reproved job of pride, for contefting wish God,.,w-hen as if:he- did turn himfelf to Angels, he fhould find himfelf far below, and muchovermatcht by them.; What ? rho* duff and afhes, more righteous and juft than God? Though he charged his Angels with folly, yet even they-are too wife and holy for thee todeal with. If-thou wert put into the ballance with Angels,how light wouldedl thou be ? then,howmuch ligh- ter than vanity art thou, being weighed withGod ? But the He- brew is better tranflated Saints. The word fignifiesa thingor pe-r- fon,feparated or fet apart from common,and dedicated to- a fpeci= al efpecially,, a holy ufe, Holmefs (in the generaLnature 'of it) is nothing elfe buta feparation from common and dedication to a. '.Z 3 divine