Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 4, An Expofitonupon the bookof J O B. Verf: t. Is not this thy fear ? Here is a goodly religion indeed, a proper puce of profcffion : and fuch is thine, this is all thou art able to nuke out. Thusyou have the Logical frrcngth,.or the Argument contained in the words.We tlrall nowexamine them in the Gram- matical Cenfe ofevery part,as they lye here in order. And firlt for the Preface. If we affay to commune with thee, wilt thou be grieved? but rabo can with-hold bimfelf fromfpeaking? The words import, as if Eliphaz had faid thus unto fob,we thy friends have all this while hood tilent, we have given thee full liberty and Rope to fpeak out all that was in thine heartilet it not grieve thec,ifwe now take liberty to (peakour felves : and indeed aueceffity lies upon us to fpeak. Two things Eliphaz puts into this Preface, whereby he labours to prepare the mind of fob, rea- dily tohear and receive what he had to fay unto him. Firtt,he tells him that he fpeaks out ofgood will and as a friend to him. ifwe affày to commune with thee, wilt thou be grieved? Pray do not tape it ill, we mean you no harm,we would but give you faithful counfel, we fpeak from our hearts, not from our fpleen, we fpeak from love to thee, let it not be my grief. Secondly, he thews that he wasneceflitated to fpeak : as love.. provokes, fo necefli. y conftrains, Who can with-hold himfelffront fpeaking? either of thefe eontiderations is enough to unlock both ear and heart to take in whollome counfel. What ear, what_ heart will not the Golden key of love, or the iron key ofnecetli,y open to inttruaion? when a friend fpeaks,and he fpeaks as bound, whenkindnefs and duty mix in conference, how powerful l Ifwe 'ay, or try. The word lignifies properly to tempt,either 7°íD3 for good or evil, and becaufe in temptation, an affay or experi- Teatavit'inl4o- ment is madeofa man,how bador how g©ed he is ; Therefore the lneucm vain raa° fum, peric7um Word is applyed to any affaYin or experimenting of thingsor per- eapertua Eons. This veryword is winning andgaining upon Job. We will but c/i. try a little if we can do thee any good, or bring lenitives to thy 7,1,1?-1 i quoJi forrows, we will not be burthenfozne or tedious; we will but l ruim vct affay to commune with thee. The wordnotes ferious fpeaking. toquutorium The place where God communed with his people, in giving an- d;£fum, pod fwers from Heaven-is exprefs'd by this word, i Kings 6 19. The Deg inde re- Oracle he p, eparea in the toufe within, &c. os the communing- fpanfa darer. place whcre God fpake, B Wilt