Chap: 5. An Expoft'tion upon the Book of J Q$, VerfC. z. r79 wrath is a long anger ; when a man is let upon't when his fpirit r is fteeped and foak't in anger. then 'tis wrath., Efau raked up the burning coales of his anger in the afhes, till his Fathers Funeral, The time of mourningfor my father will Portly come, then will I flay my brother, But our word rather notes, a fervent 'heat and > 3 diflemperof" fpirit prefen,ly breaking forth, or an extream vexa- tion fretting and difquietirig us within : As Pfal, 112. i o. The wicked£hall fee it, and be grieved, (that is, he (hall have ferret in- dignation in himfelf to fee matters go fo) He (hall gnafh with his teeth andmelt away. Gnathing of the teeth is cantedby vexing, of the heart ; And therefore it follows, he melts away ; which notes (melting is fromheat) an extreamheat within. The fenfe is very fuitable to this of Eliphaz, wrath flayetb the foolifh, or wrath makes him melt away, it melts his greafe with chafing, as we fay., of a man furioufly vext ; Hence that deplorable conditi- on of the damned, who are call out of the prefenceof God for ever, is deleribed, by weeping, and wailing, andgnafhing of teeth which imports *t onlypain, but extream vexing at, or in them- felves. Thole fools thall be flaw for ever with their own wrath, as well as with the wrath of God. wrath killeth, be.] But how doth wrath kill a foolifh man ?' his wrath totnetirnes drawes his Sword and kills others : but is his wrath as a fword to kill himfelt ? Many like Simeon and'Levà, in their anger have (lain a man;but that, the anger of a man fhould flay himfelt, may feean ítrànge ? The pafton of wrath is fuch an engine, as recoyles upon him that ufes or difcharges it. As the defire ,1 the flothful klletb him, Prov, 2'i: 25. fo, the wrath of a fooliih man kills him ;that place enlightens this; how 'comes defire to flay the floathful ? thus ; a man flothful in aí$ion is full of defres and quick in his affeflionsafter many good things he would fain have them, he longs for' them : but the man is fo ex- tream lazie, that he will not flir hand or foot to get the things which he defires,and fohe pines away withwifhing andwoxlding, anddies with grief, becaufe defire is not fatisfied. So,in likeman- ner,wrath is faid to flaya man ; firfl,becaufe it thrufts him head- ',long upon fuch things,as are his death ; he runswilfully upon his own death, fometimes by the dangeroufnefs of theaóion,whence cafual fuddain death furprifes him fometime by the unlawful - nefs of the aóion,which brings him to a legal or judiciary death. Sccondly,his wrath is faid to kill hitn,becaafe his wrath is fo vex- A a 2 atious