a88. Chap. 5. ,An Expofition upo the Book of ) OB. Vert. 3. ebadnezzar in all his worldly pomp, is let forth by a goodly tree. Tii the 53. of Ifa. y. 2. Where the birth of Chriff is prophesied, it is Paid, That, he(hall grow up before hint as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dryground. As a very flowrithingeffate,whether in fpirituals or ternporals, is exprefi bya treeplanted by the water fide: So a mean,low eftate is fignifìed by a tree in a dryground.Our Lord Jefus, in regardof any outward glory, was like a tree in a dry ground,, as the words following expound it, He bath no form nor comelinefr, andwhen we Jhallfee him,there is no beauty that we fhould defire him. His Kingdome was not like the Kingdome of thofe great Monarchs, ftrong,high, and beautiful with any crea- ted lustre. Henceobferve, Firfl, That wicked men mayflourijh in great outward prosperity. I have feen the foolifh taking root. The Prophet Jeremiah in the twelfth of his Prophecy (a Scripture touched before, Chap. 4. v. 7. to this purpofe) being fomewhat fcandalized at the profpe- rity of treacherous dealers, defcribes them thus, ver.. 2. Thou haft planted them, yea they. have taken root, theygrow, yea they bring forthfruit. Here are four degrees; firif theyare planted, there is many a tree planted that takes not root, but (faithhe) Thou haft planted them, yea,tbey have taken root : There are Come trees which are both plantedand have taken root, yet they .donot grow, efpe- sially not to any height or greatnefs, though they live, yet they do not thrive; Thefe are planted, and they take root and they grow ; but there are many trees planted, rooted and growing, which yet are fruitlefs ; thefe have all, they are planted, they take root, they grow, and they bring forth fruit And who are.. thefe ? Surely the worft ofmen,as the very next words evidence, God it near in their mouches, but he isfar from theirreins ; God is near in the mouthoffuch, that is, they may (peak of him fome- times, but he is far from their reines, there is nothing of God in their hearts; and Curtly they that have nothingof God in their hearts, have nothing of Gaodnefs in their hearts, or in their lives. This prefer-it glory and profperity of wicked men, lifts up the gloryofGods patience. How is the gloryof the patienceof God texalted,in letting them have eafe,whoare a burthen unto himfelf? in letting them profper, who are (as God can be pained) a paire unto himfelf? in fuffering them to flourifh.-who vex his people, in:fifffoing them to laugh, whomake his people mourn. Further,,: