Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

i9.® Chap. 5. An Expofition upan the Book of J O B. Verf. 3. ning in the earth is no good to him, beeaufe himfelf is not good.; Spiritual good things are fo good, that though they find us not good, yet they will make us good : we cannot have them indeed, and be unlike them. But worldly good things find Come really good,and make themworfe ; others who had but a (hew of good- iiefs, t'hey are occafions of makingHark nought ; Rooting in the earth, never helpt any togrom heaven surds : Alan ydeeply rooted in the earth, have grow n down, andgone down to the depths of Hell. Fourthly obferve, as a confequence from the former ; That the enjoyment of outwardgood things, is no evidence, can be made no ar- gsiment that a man is good. I have feen the foolifh taking root. And yet howmany Rick upon this evidence; ble(lìng themfelves becaufe they are outwardly bieífed, Yea, though theymeet with a dificovery of their fins, and:fìnful bofomes in the word, though they find thofe fins threatned, yea curfed with a grievous curie in the word,yet they biefs themfelves and fay, we are rich and flou- rifh, we have agood eflateand credit,we take root and Rand, but they forget that all thismay be the portion of a fool. I havefien the foolifh man taking root. And fuddenly 1 curfed his habitation. The word here ufed, to curie, fprings indifferently from two 7pti) dedu- roots, which yet meet and are one, in fignification Namely, to enur vel a l{rike through or to pierce as a man is firuck through with a flafíre =¡P3 vet a or fword, or ftabd with a dagger ; Thus Heb. 3. 14 Thou didff fo ?c,per erebra- ftrike through with hi /laves the head of the Villages.. And Ifa..36. tit, &per me. 6. The piercingof a Reed into the hand of hirn that leans upon taphorum ma it, is expreft by this word. So then it carries a metaphorical ledixit,execra allufion to the died of a curie, the curie of God alwayes,and the 'efi; ejime curie of man upon duegrounds, is as a fword or a dagger pier, wphorl cin a man thorough and.thorou h,throu h both foul and body. lata ab hs pi g g g gtadia cap. I have curfedhis habitation, that is, d have .fmitten his habitati- gione aliquam on quite through with a curie. trapfvetberant, tangeo;n fiati_ I cuffed hú habitation. qure Pet ant Some read, I abhorred or I abominated his habitation.I was Co 1, mtn+ mate far fromenvying this flourifhing, fpreading tree, or from being in dl Ìione tr teretur. Carr, Love with his goodly feat and brave-habitation that I loathed and in Prov.rr 26 could not abide it. The cottage ofan lonell man was more de- lightful to me, then the tents or pallaces of wickednefs. But the word bears Lather to curfe t which is fìrft to with evil