2óo Chap:,5, An Expoftion upon the Book of J O B. Verf.4. ment there, was the making of it more publick, that all might take notice of what paffed,in fuchandfu.ch,cafes;as the fencer= and refolutionof the Judges. Neither is there aq to deliver them. fumAtir ma- This is the third degree of evil falling upon the fooli(h mans li neminem ho children. Though a man be brought, to and call in judgment,yet bebunt osorto_ he trayhave a'frirnd to help and deliver him; but thefe-fhall have re. Vt injuflb nohe 1p,tïone to fpeäk a good word for them,none to meditate ei- renfuníbunrcr they for reprieve or pardon. Sorne give the fenfe thus, IIis-ebjl. eonrurde ,lien fhall either find a Judge to giveafavourablefentence, nor an bunta ;in Judi- ciopubdico co Advocate topleadfor them, andnia%ethe beft of their - caafe ; This rem tribunali. alto anfwers ,another -part of the cur-re, pfa. i o9, 12. Let there be noneto extend mercy to him, neither let there be any to favour hisfatherlefs children None (hall be found either able or willing to refcue or pull them out ofthe hand of danger. Hence obferve, fiat, ghat a nick d man and bis children are often wrapsup in thefame deft ruaion 1 turfedhis habitation andhis children are far from fafety they Liberi parts- are crufbed in thegate. A godly man is a defence for his children; tumparnur. It is a great bhfliin to be born of holy parents, and it is a curf implirontur, g g Y to be born of oppre(lìng wicked parents. As, the - bleffing of God defcends from the faiher,upon the children fo, the curie ofGod many times clef-ands-from -the father, -upon the-children, and -they inherit their judgments, as well as their lands. Though the ' Juftice and goodnefs of God, will make that Proverb ceafe in all the families of the world for ever, which was once taken up by the Jews,Ezek,i -3 2. The Fathers have eaten fowr-egrapes,and the children: teeth arefet on edge. The Naturaliftsobferve, and ex- oJùast+.yPadd perience teacheth, that when aman eats very fowr grapes (and eirwraphidofo- fo makes a lows face) another ftanding by is affehed with a fym- phr: pathy,and his teeth are fet on edge or pained with the very fight Ariflot. Sea: or grating of anothers teeth, though himfelf tafte not the grape. robiuefä s. The prefent Jews e thought themfelves but bare lookers on up( ri -their fathers tin, and yet they fuffered. Eut the Lord found the fowre grapes in their mouthes alfo, or them rifen .up in their fa- thersRead, an increafe of finful men to fill up-the fierce wrath of the Lord against them. Now(I fay) though the Lord will make that proverb ceafe, in their fenceiFor no child is punifhed meetly in