Chap. 5, An Expofition upon the Book of J O B, Verf. 5. 20I in contemplation of his fathers lin. Yet when a Inn is wicked, the wickednefs ofa father, whether immediateor furtheroff,may come in remembrance.againft him, and at once aggravate his lin, and encreafe his forrow. Secondly, note this from it, Whom God will deffroy, no creature (hall be found able to deliver out of his hands. God can take away the help,and flop up the pity ofall creatures, None (hall deriver them. And though themfelves fhould endea- vour to efcape, they fhall not efeape (Amos 9. I.) They that 'lie hallnot file away, and they that efcapefhall not be delivered that is, by endeavouring toefcape, they shall not be delivered, they (hall attempt it in vain.If God will not deliver,none can,If aLot be ta- ken prifoner,He bidsAbrahamArme and reflue him,lfa Paul be in the mouthof a Lyon,the Lord will deliver him. It needs not trouble us, who is our enemy, if God will be our deliverer : nor can it avail what friends foever we have, ifGod faith, ye (hall not be delivered; A wicJkcd man (when the Lord appears againft him) either loath none to deliver him, or none(hall. Salvation is far from the wicked, for they keep not thy flatutes, Pf. 119. 155. .Prom the Children, judgment, proceeds to the eflate of this wicked man. ;Verfe 5. Whole harveff the hungry eateth up, and fetcheth it even out of the thornes, and the robber fpoyleth all hisrub/lance. Whole harveff the hungry eateth up. By his Harveff, we are to underhand not only the return of that which he hath fown, as corn and other fruits of the earth but all the goods or provifons,w'hich he hath gathered or laid upme., nomirs for his fupport or accommodation. Amans harveft is the improv- parta bona ment ofhis whole eftate.And this mans harveil is all he hath got- ornnia intent. ten, by right or wrong, by induliryor by injury, by fweat or by guntur conden- deceit, by pra&ifes or open violences. To eat up a harveft, is as do: reponen- much as to devour a houfe, with which Chrilt charges the hungry `fn nnvs $ g Y pmas. Scribes and Plsarifes t Mat. 23. :4. ) who made Beggars as fall as they made Prayers, 7e devour widdows houfes and under pretence make long prayers. The greatnefs of his affbaion is let forth by the lofs of thol? things, which colt much pains to get. A harvelt is not had with idlenefs. The earth muff be broken, plowed and fowed before we reap. The law of Nations (I am fore of this Nattion)is ve- i) d ri.