Chap. 5. An Expofition upon theBook, ofJ O 6. 3ferf. 5. 203 vour it, inyour prefence ; when you are looking on, flrangers fhall devour it, Thou pr-epareff a Table before me in the prefence of my enemies; faith David, Pfal 2 ¿. 5. As it is oneof the greateft out- ward mercies,to eat at a Table,prepared in the prefence of an ene- my, fo,it is one of thegrearefl afidions, to have an enemy eat up what is prepared for our Table, in our pretence, 1blic.6.15.)Thou (haltrow, but thou'halt not reap: thouflialt tread the Olives,but thou 1/halt not anoint thee with oyl : andf iveet tine, but flialt not drink wine, Oblèrvehow he puts in their labour to aggravate their for- row. If they had not town, it had not been fo troublefòme, not to reap: fthey had not trod the Olives,it had not been fo grievous ao have had no Oyl; but this was their calarnity,they lowed,but reaped not :.they trod the Olives,but hadnooyl toannóint them- felves. The mifery of the rich man (Luk l2.)is thus defcribed, when he had made larger barnes, and got in his Harvefl,whenhe had made prov ilion for many years, then the Qellion is, WYhoJe (hallall theJe things be that thou haftprovided? The rich man was not unprovided ofan anfwer to the Querie long before.Whofe>r they be ? Mine own 1 warrant you. I am not loch a fool to take pains for others. Little did he think that his grave was a making while he was a making his barns : Or,that all his providence and care should redound to lirangers. How will it cut the heart to fee all thole things taken away; in and about which,a man bath laid out his whole llrength, and laid uphis whole heart. This Job im- precates as the extremity of all outward evils, in cale he were an Hypocrite,and dealt falfly with God (Chap.3 .8.)Ifany blot bath cleaved to my hands, that is, if this blot of insincerity (fob did not think himfelf to without all blot of fin, bu:, if luch a blot as I am charged with) cleave to my hands, then let mefore, and let another eat.This judgment whichEliphaz hints at inanother per- fon,as already fallen on job for his hypocrilie,fob,in his own per- fon calls for, if he were an hypocrite. Let meJocr and let another eat, yea let my off fpring be rooted out. Whole harveff the hungry eateth up. The hungry. There is tome difference in opinion, who are to be underllood by the hungry. Some take this hungry one, for the Devil , He is a hungry one indeed : but his hunger is not after our riches but after. our fouls, 'tis them he goes about like (a hungry; roaring Lyon, feeking to devour.(2 Pet. 5.8 )It is a truth alto that Satan goes a- bout asa hungry one to devour our caws, fo he did jobs, His D d 2 harveft