Cha p. 5. An Expefition upon the Book of J QB. Verfe. 5. can) but the juji fhall putit on, and the innocent !hall divide the filver,that is,thofe juf and innocent perfons whom he had wrong- ed, (hall by a divine retaliatiota enter upon his efate. The wicked grind the faces of the poor, to make themfelves bread, but at lafi: the poor (hall make bread of their corn and griefs. We may fee the traóf and foot -fops of this judgment in our dayes ; Howmany Ions of violence, who have made many per- Ions, yea,families hungry. nakedand defolate, are nowmade defo- late and naked ? God hath fo wrought,and anfwered us by terri- ble things in righteoufrrefs,thatUppreffed Innocents have beenpur into the houfes,and havefed upon the fatnefs of `Unrighteous Op- preffours. °Muff wenot fay,verily there is a Godthatjudgeth the earth when we fee his vengeance I 'And for the ref, may we not fay as thole fearchers ofCanaan, (Caleb and Jofhua) made their re- port, when the reft complained of impofiìbilities, Numb, i4. 9. Let us notfear them for they are breadfor us, that is, we !hall cati- ly get in amongfi them, and live upon their elates : Let us not fear thofe giantly foes of Anak, who have fleec'd the poor wf Gods flock, andknaw'd their bones, for, (by the power and jufice ofGod)they are breadfor us;they havemade hungry ones enough to eat up their own harvef, Fourthly, We may take the hungry,' yet more largely ; for any that are low andpoor, whomGod firs up and fends in judgment as his teeth; to confume and eat up, todevour anddefroy the por- tion offuch fat ones. Every fpoiler is a hungry one; fpoilers de- vour as ifthey had never eaten in theirlives,they fweep away. The word which we tranflate to eat up, fignifies the mof fierce kind of eating : when a man cotes, as it he could Heber have enough. And therefore it is applyed to the eating of fire; which we know is the moil hungry thing in the world : nothing will fatisfie the appetiteof that hungry Element,the more it eates,the more hungry andvdevouring it is. Hence that adjure of fire (Ifa. 29. 6.) A flameof a devdiáring fire, or, the flame (it is the word of the Text) of an eatingfire ; a fire whore fomack is able to di- geff all the material creatures in the world. So (f 912.1. ) it is (aid; ¡igoc ern cvi that the fire ofGod, or a great ftre dideat up the!Beep, the fire came ditatera cage- hungry and confumed them ; filch is the force of the word here datum prx fe filed ; and fecondly,it is applyed inScripture, to the eating of the !word; which. ( alas !) we know is very hungry too, My ftrord jh.tll devourflefh, Cut, 32.42: 'Thirdly,it is applyed to fa- d 3®5 In commiiní quicunq;raptor eat' depradat©r' fsmelicut ap- peJl3tur,Pined 1IDh Lfd ucrius gua- nollrum come- cdzre; fign:,ftcat enirn coleden- do confuntere. feu, adeout Ae igne Tux am. avidé ds- pcfcir utatur. 'r.,