Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

zro Chap. , An Expojtion upon the Book of J O B. Verf. 5a ` that is, theywill bellow care to keep, as well as toget : A godly man takes great care to get more of Ch:rill more riches ofgrace, he improves,all means, and makes this his bufnefs night and day, thefe fpiritual cares are hip thornes:,and when he finds his flock of holy things increafìñg, his next care is to preferve his flock, to ìnáintain communion. with Chriff, and to keep ,gp his graces to their height ; The care of a godly man, is as much topreferve grace andcomforts from the power of that hungry one, the Devil, at it was to fetch them in. And Satan is fo hungry after our fpiritual har- veifl, that, he would fetch it out of the thornes and fences of all our prayers and holy cares, were it not that Chrifl himfelfkeeps it for us; Hiscare over his peoples fpiritual welfare is fuch a thorn - hedge, as the Devil can never break thorough; We arekept by the power of God as with a garrifon, I Pet; is 5.- Such alto, is the wifdome of that generation, about worldly things : they fence in, and fortifie their riches, fo that if any man will have thern,hemull have them through the thorues,or come upon thepikes. Secondly, Though he lay up his eflate within the thornes,yet, the hungry man will fetch it out. Note then, That all the careof worldly men, all the thorn-hedges they make about their eftates, fhall never fecure them from fpoyle andre--ine. The hungry will prefs and venture through the thornes to take them. Further, as the word fignifies a Buckler (or any kind ofarmes, whether often five or defenlrve) as the-text is by force tranflated, s :fro. tot- .Hefhall fetch it out of their Armes, or fromamong their weapons. tot earn- f" And the fenfe may be thus conceived (which agrees fully ce/joor ipjun ropfet with the former Obfervation). ermatr :.Vu3a.. Though, this wicked man in his high elate, wculdget many armed men together todefendit, yea though he fhouldget an Army tf men, with /word andbucktee withpike andfhot to defend it, yet noneof them fhail.he able. The wrath of God, by the man out of the - thornes the meaneft inflrument of hiswrath, (hall break through all And in allufïori to this,the vulgar (more truly then as a tranflationi reads it, 7be "armedmanfhall take him away, -that is, he (hall carry him awayprifoncr,and fpoyl himofhis harveft: Which,though it doth not complywith the letter ofthe Original,yet it implies the fence fit For when Armedmen come to take any thing away,it inti- mates