Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

212 Char. 5. An Expoftior, upon the Book f J O S. Vcrf. 5 thirft after t hepot, and from .his uncivilly civil thirst after a purlc etbfor6e3r pilo or from his long, fhaggy haire : To this latter fence, one of the fur diviti,rs eJ Rabbinstr anflates, The hairy man, or the man with longhair, (ball rum. Rab, y IYlordochaí. P1241011' ztp heir e,, ates ; Hence frame exprefs him by a Latine Horridsri. word,which Liguifies a man all overgrown with hair; This Rufli- H°fpid sa. an Robberfhallfrvallozv up hisf itbftance. t'rojrieJtrrax_ Swallow up] The word notes an utter exhauftion, he (hall ex it pernares,aur hauls his fubtlance : As we fay, when a (pender or an unthrïft is os: trzxst ae defcribed, He bath exhaufiedhis eflate, he bath', as it were fucks rem ad os ; Per it up, guzl'd or (wallowed it down his throat ; the radical word ttopborar, may import,drawing and flicking up with a pipe; properly it fg- re, cupiir, nifes,to fetch wind,or drawbreath; and by a metaphor to fwal- enim ardenter low down, to fop or fuck up , as alto, with fervency and pleafure aliguidea- to defïre, becaufe vehement delires are often exprefl by quick pions ; pre do. Jiderij roagni. breathings, yea, to breath after a thing, is todelire it ; or it notes odine, ad or a mind to (wallow it up, either from the delight we have in it, or aercm f'equen. hatred of it. in which latter fence David applies it to his enemies this rr;;hunrfiu (Pfal. 56. a.) Mine enemies would dailyfwallow me up. They rejpiranr breath afterme, to devour me. So then the meaning is ; This robber, this hairy ( poiler or thinlyone, will be fo dry that he will fwallow all .up,, he will loop and drink up the foolifh mans efface to the very bottom ; he will draw it down to the very dreggs or lees, and not leave a drop behind' him. The Robber fzvalloweth up theirfubftance, 12on magi as In the flail chapter we read job defcribed,_ A man of a very corpora guamgreat fubftance, Job's fatbfjiance in cattle was thus and thus : od ingenij vi. Here alto it is laid, The robber(hail [wallow up bic fubjtance ; but roerertinct:ui the word in.thc Hebrew,. is very difLrent from that in the ftrfl sitsfere virtu- chapter ; there the word lignifieth properly fubjtance in cattle; set cantina, but here it fi nifies fubllance in a kindofwealth or riches what. faramdinem, gs Y 9u(briarn, P1+. foever And it notes three things. tlentiacr: Firil, and moil properly, ftrength, either ftrength of body or of mind, namely, valour, aEtivity and courage, alto wifdomeand in- duflry, to get or defend. our fubítance; So Gen. 47. 6. Phar,ab tells Jofeph, that ifamong hisbrethren,there areany men ofar'livi- 'ííj1ä .ty, hefhouldmake them milers over his cattle. Secondly,It notes riches and wealth,or any worldly fubtlance; becaufe much aEtivity,wifdorneand ftrength ; is ulually implorcd in obtaining them; or becaufe both wildome and (lrength aOre-. quifïte trn