214 Chap. 5. An Expofstion upon the Book of J Q,B, Vert. 6. fubftánee fwallowed u:p, by thirfty, andeaten up, by hungry rob, bers, who take it out from the very thornes of their own cares,in getting, or means in fecuring, what they have gotten.' J OB, Chap. S, Vert, 6, 7,.8. Although afflic ion cometh notforth of theduff, neither doth trouble fpringout of the ground. Tet man it born unto trouble as thefparksfly upward; I mouldfeektento God, andunto God would I commit my cattle. Hus far Eliphaz.hath,fpent his difcourfe, in reproofand con. viç rions And you have had out ofthe 4th. Chapter,and the precedent part of this, four heads of reafon, or arguments* by which Eliphaz labours to reprove fob, for, and convince himof, dole fin, or ofgrofs hypocrilie. NowElipbaz turnes himfelf to a- nother file,and_ falls to counfel and exhortation,direEing and ad- vifing yob what becomes him, what he ought to do, in his condi- tion : His exhortation conf ds of twodidinc;{ branches. The former whereof begins at this fixth, and is continued to the feyenteenth verle ofthe Chapter. The fumme ofthis exhortation is,7hat, for asmuch as he badfoundhimfb difiempered inhisfpeech and carriage, he now earnefìly 'befeeches , and intreats him, that be wouldfeekuntoGod, begfavour, andbelievingly commit himfelfand his cafeuntoGod. The fecond branch ofexhortation begins at the 17 verle, and is continued to the end of the Chapter. The Scope whereof is, That Job wouldhumblyandpatientlyfubmit himfelfunto, andun- der;the hand of God, quietly waiting the timeof bin deli- verance. Thematter of the former exhortation lies in the wordsofthe Sib. verte, LwouldfeekuntoGod, andunto Godwould I commit my caul. He firengthneth this exhortation by two arguments, whereof, Thefirft is taken from thecaule of his afdiciions, and that either the efhcient,or the; meritorious caufe ofhis of lictions,both which we find in the 6 and 7th. verts, The fecond argument by which heitrengthneth his fidt exhor- tation, is contained in the 9, to, ti, and 12 vertes following, and