Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 5. An Expofstion upon the Book of JO $. Verfe. 6. 215' and it isgroundedupon thepower,wifdome andgoodnefs ofGod: As if he thould fay, Who would optfeekunto God, who is of infinite potxtr, able to deliver ? Who would notfeek unto a Cod, and com- mit bis caufeunto him, who isgracious, and pittiful, merciful and ready to deliver ? Who wouldnotfee&untoa God, and commit his caufe unto him, of infinite-wifdame to find out wayes and meansfor the contrivingof deliverance, though mans condition (to the eye of fence or human reafán) Jiem altogether defperate and rè- ntedilefs ? Thefe three verles contain the fira exhortation, together with the firff argument; And we ;nay forme it thus, both refpeding the efficient, and the meritorious caufe ofhis a li1ions. Firit,'relpectiüg the efficient caule, the argument feems to lie He is to befought unto inour afflicriions, who it theprincipal effi- cient caufe orfender of our aff iäiens. But, God is the principal efficient caufe and fenderofour àffili- ons. Therefore, he is to be fought unto,' and, to hint our "caufek to be committed. The Majoror firfi Fropofition, is not exprefly in this text, but it is plain'y fuppofed, and logically to be underfiood. The Minor or the Affumption, lies in the 6 and 7 - verles, where he proves that God is the efficient caufe or fender of afHiCtions ; And his proof is grounded upon "a denyal, or a removal ofall other efficient cau- fes. As if he fhould fay, there mull be lome efficient caufe of affli-' âion,but no efficient caufe can be affigned or named, except God: therefore God is the efficient caufe,the fender and orderer ofaMi ons. That, - "no other efficient caufe can be affigned, he proveth plainly in the fixth verle, thus s Af}lilion cometh not forthof the du(#, neithç,r doth trouble- fpring out ofthe ground, yet, man is born to trouble, &c. As if he lhould fay,our eyes teach us, we fee plainly man is full of trouble ; man is no foonér born, but he is afi6ted ; three affildions muff have föme efficient caufe; fome hand or other loth frame,form, and fafhion them, theycome not alone; and if they come not alone,then,we mutt find out this caufe either inearth or in heaven;we mutt find it,'eíther in the Creatour or 'among the creatures, but from the earth,or from creatures,they tome not. liWon comet bnotforthof the duff,' neither doth trou- ble fpring out of the giotand, that is, it riles not by or from ths..