216 Chap. 5. An Ezpofition upon tbo Book of J Q$, Verf. 6. the creatures in themfclves, and alone confidered ; and if fo, it mutt needs come from heaven, from the hand ofGod, who dwel. loth above, and difpofeth all things according to the pleafure of his own wili.lt is filch a kind of iípeech,as often falls from us,wheu a thing is loft; we fay, Come body muff have it Sure it rr not gone into the ground, Ion or You muff have it, for there are none cite in the place. So, Eliple2z Teems here to argue about theafilié} ions, which he Caw upon Job : here are heavy aflie`,tions upon thee, thefe atllifions mutt come Come way upon thee, They come not out forth of the duff, neither do theyfiring out oftheground, they come not up alone; Either then they mat come from God or man ; and fromman,,they come not ; they Cpringnot out of the earth r therefore he leaves it as a.elear infe.rence,.that God is the efficient caufe or fender of affiic` ion, Again, ifwe confider this argument, as it ftrengthencth the ex- hortation from the meritorious caufe ofhis afffic ions. I t may be formed thus. If the fin of man befrom hintfelf, and the fufferiugr of man be for hisfin, then in hisfufferingr forfn,he ought toJéekunto God, and tocommit hit caufe untobim. But, thefin of man isfrom hintfelf, and the fnfferingr of manare for hisfin. Therefore, be ought in f tch a condition-tofcekunto God, and com- mit his caufeunto him ; For, remedy is no where elfe to be had. This fecond argument is grounded rather upon the expofition, then the létter of the Text, as fhall be further cleared in purfu- ance of thewords. Thus, you fee, how the Minor or fecond Propofition is confir- med, both, as it refpeds the efficient caufe,and the meritorious Conckfenrn- caufe of mans áfi Lion. The conelufion liesin the 8 verfe,which Moro in terfo- Eliphaz pronounces inhis own perlon,!wouldfeekunto God,there_ quad tut defluzñ fore leek thou unto God, he fpeaks it in his own perfon, thereby caharrationh more freely to inhnuate his counfel, and make way for his exher_ &e run magnan tation. As if he had laid, Were I in thycafe ! would doJo, there- cirn hoher, 07 fore do thou fo likewile, Seek unto Godandcommit thy caufe to oft rfrotif- him. `rl. . So much of this context and the Logick ofit, as it contains an exhortation, with an argument to flrengtheu and back that ex- hortation. Now for the clearing of the words. Although