Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 5. An Expofitiox open di Book of J OB. Verfc. 6.' 217 t Although afielian cóMes not forth of the duff. The Hebrew particle, which we tranflate Although,may be ta.' ken three wayes, and fo I find it rendred upon this place. Fir{t (which is its molt proper fenfe) it is taken caufally, and then the Text is read, For, afi rion commettinot forth of tfe duff, SoMr. Broughton, for forrowv Çueth not from the duff, Secondly, It may be taken Adverfatively, as we read it AI- thoughafiielionorforroty comer notforth of the duff, Thirdly, It may be taken A,frmatively,according towhich ace ception the Text is thus carried,Certairaly, Affliion comet; not out of the duff, or Surely, affliCion cometh not out of the duff. Either of there wayes, the fenfe is good, yet tomeour tranlh.. non by the Adyerfative Although, doth a littleobfcure the fenfe: And to fay, Surely or certainly, affliaion comes not fortis of the duff, feemes to carry it more clearly. Surely a lii ion cometh not eut of the duff. It is confielerable, that the word by which affliQ ion is here ex- ,, quitns, va= pre{t, bears a double fignification in Scripture, and I conceiveit nitoo, moirflïa may alto in this text : properly it lignifies fin, iniquity, iniquity f 3r,2 i loi. of all forts, but efpecially, That fin ofIdolatry, As (Hof. 4. 15.) guiiatonemgua when the houfe ofGod (Bethel,) was polluted with Idolatry, the parturir. sop. name is changed,.and it is called Bethaven, the pouf of an Idol, or verruntper go- the bottle of iniquity: or of that fpecial iniquity, namely olido- r,v xóaev latry, Sin alters the nature of man, no marvel then, if it alter the xazb',9ciund, names of things, Hof. a o. a 5. and often in the old Teftamen we 118 117 find this word added, to let out the worft ofinen, the workers of rtfcendìe Eli- iniquity, Kai. 5 5. 6-c. In-iquity comes not out of the duff, the Phaz ei com- foyle where it grows, or the {hop where it is wrought and for- mnnem Eti' na- med is mans heart. Eliphaz wouldcarry us to the well-head our ruralem¡arrc fin:ful natures, or our birth- fin. ht no: g: o.. atones in per_ Secondly, the word liignifaes affliction or fbrrow, calamityor c-no & ad mi- tnifery.becaufe finis the caufe of adli,&,tion, themother of forrow - feriae nafri- And therefore by a Metonimie of the effet for thecaufe (which adamoCoc, , is frequent in Scripture) The fame word notes both fin and lorrow ', The mother and the daughter are called by the fame name: We tranflate by the eñcd , Surely, affliCiion comet', not oítf of the doff, Many by the caufe, Surely, ;iniquity comes not ont of the duff. And for the full eanderflanding of the Text, we mu{t take in both ; where the effect only is mentioned, the caule is flap- F f pu(cd