Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

2I S Chap. 5 An Expoftion ssprn the Book of J Q B. Very pored, Affliaion firings not out of the duff, becaufe finfiri ogs sot out of the duff. Now this form of (peaking ( Iniquity or afiUion firings or R'roee,bialir cornmeal not forth of the duff) is proverbial ; and no doubt was arddar>t fon well known and often ufed in thofe times. When they would tentia eJ3, quo remove chance orfortune (as we fay)or denyany event to be with. erorquefudé= out a certain direEfivepower, They fpake in this language, Tbie ainamergo tee came notfrom theground ; thereupon the vulgar tranflates it fo in #tumenes termes, * There is nothing in the world without castle, alluding(it impiorunt fop- is probable) to the proverb. Hence a man ob(curely born, whole *liciuw provi` parents and original aie unknown, is called APIs of the earth anti tw. Psned Which imports,that no man can tell whence he is, r how defcen- titbit inter. ded. They whofe original cannot be aligned, are oefually aligned ea fine coufafit to the common original, IF er parent of us all, the earth ; and as in ;rulg. regard ofperfons,fòofthings,when no than can tell howor which !' cìjugóia way they come,theyare Paid to come out of theground; We (peak fobir ecadunt, alto (in the other extreame)affirmatively, Such a thing comes out our, ex terra ofthe clouds, that is (we knownot,but) God knows how it comes. ferminant ut So then,here is a denial ofchance or fortune; As if Eliphaz fftould oret herb`` fa reafon may be found=and afáigned for there thins, the come azpo jaíîofc- not out of the due. g y mine. ¡fens filim. Further, for the clearingof this, The duff and the ground [land * Magna pa- in a two-fold oppoftion. Firfì unto God, and fecondly unto our rent terra oft. fehres. Firfi in oppofition to God thusi,Aflitionfpringeth notfrom tbeground, that is, it conies from the wifdome, power and difpo- fition of God, as the efficient caufe. Secondly, in oppofition to our (elves, and then the fcnfe may be thus conceived, that, the Nonexit 7put. material and meritorious caufe ofour;àfflifdion, is not without us, were iniquitae, it is not in the groundor inother creatures, but it is in our (elves. 4 dab hornini. Every. man in himfelf bath theground which bears,the fcourfe or bso+ eft, non é terra vet put_ fountainwhich bubbles-out his forrows. and his fufferings. Man werc,narnterra bath no,reafon-to accule or charge heavenor earth, as the authors men profert in1_ ofhis forrow,he carries the reafon about with him,The j"infulnefs . tuitatem, fed or finkof his ownpollutednature. And therefore (to allude to that ioe,ninetrea e of the A offle in the point of uflitìcatiop Rona. to. 6 future eoriu P P J , 7.) corrupts vein Say not in thyheart, whoflail afcendinto heaven,tbat is to bring thy proclives ,troubles downfromabove, or whofhall defcend into she deep, that is ed earn 9pçun- to bring up thy troubles from below, for the caufe as nigh thee, even . aura_I3ru in thy mouth and in thy heart that is Thecarru tion of nature which wepreach,. The