Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

no Chap: 5. An Expofrtian opts the Bookof j OB. Ved. 6. of his fins deferves. Man weavès a fpiders webb of fin out of his own bowels, and then he is intangle d in the fame webb ; the . troubles which infnare, and wrapabout him, are twitted with his own fingers. Thirdly, obferve, Naturally every manfeels the. reafon ofhis furrows andaffïli- ons eut ofhimfelf. When man is afided, he is norwilling to own himfelf, as the caufe ofhis afliffions, or acknowledge that they fpring from his fin; and, that may, be the reafon,why Elipha.4 (peaks thus to Job, as if he had Paid, thy thoughts are wandring abroad, thou little thinkeft that thy afflictions were bred in thy own bofome : Thou art faftning the caufeof them upon this, andtother thing t Thou art complainingof the day wherein thou waft born, but thou fhouldett rather complain of the fin wherein thou waft born; Thy birth-day hath not hurt dice, but thy birth-fin. Thy birth-fin bath given conception to all'the forrowsof thy life. The Jews in the Prophet Ifäs time were in great diflrefs, and could get no deliverauce.The ports and paffages of mercy were all obftruded. Now, whether went their thoughts ? And what did they look upon, as the reafon of thofe abiding lingring evils ? we may read their thoughts in the refutationof them ; we may fee what thedifeafe of their hearts was,by the medicine which the Pr:iphet applies unto them : he labours to purge them from that conceit, as ifeither want of power, or want of love in the' Lord were the flop oftheir deliverance. The Lordi hand is not fliortñed that he cannotfave , neither his care heavy, that he cannot beare, Iffa. 5.9-.1, 2. asifhe had faïd, I knowwhat your apprehenfions are in thefeafliióions, you think the reafon is in God, that either he cannot,or he will notfave you : You think the hand ofGods power is shrunk up, or theear ofhis mercy that up, but,. you re- tiednot upon your felves, nor confrder,that Tour iniquities have ftparatedbetweertyou andyour God ; Your fins does you hurt,and you touch not that with a little finger,but lay the weight ofyour charge upon Godhimfelf: So (Hof. 13 9.) Thy deftrullion is from thy Pelf in me is- thy help. God is forced to tell them fo,that their deftrut` ionwas from themfelves,they wouldnot believe, it : they, fuppofed it was from the cruelty or malice of the creature,from the wrath and rage ofenetnies,from fore over-fight or neglet;} of their friends ; therefore the Lord (peaks out in exprefs terms, Thy;, áleff.rtsïlion isfromthyfelf.It fprings not forthoftheduft,reither is thy.