Chap. 5. An Expofition ups the Book of J O B. Verfe. 7. 2 2 3 and intlrucaing, little cultivating or manuring. As when a man makes verfes readily, we fay he was born to ?Poetry; or when a man gets wealth ealì.ly,we fay, he was born to be rich. So in the prefent cafe ; A mans underftanding, will and affeóions, need no mannurint; or drefíìttg to bring forth lin, or the fruit ofít' furrow, He is born to tin. The latter clanfe of the verfe clears the fenfe fully, Man he born unto trouble, or unto fin, as the(parks flyupward; Themean- ing is, as the (parks have a principle in themtèlvcs, by which they afcend,they need no direffing ; when a (park comesout from the tirc,no manbids it fly upward,or thews it the way, it will fly up- ward alone, it knowsno other way, but upward fo it is a natu- ral courfe for man, as Coon as he is born, to lin and work his own forrow. This he cando, the firft thing he doth, and before he can do any thingwell,he cando this, but, too well ; He needs no Tutor for thefe, finningandfarrowing, are not his art, but his na- eure ;thoughhe Mould have neither rule nor example in the world, he would find out themyfleries ofiniquity,and doenough quick- ly to make himfelf miferable. The particle,Ás, is a copulative in the Hebrew, So divers ren- der it in this Text,lltan it bdrn to trouble,and the f parksfly upward, that is, mans trouble and (parks flying upward, are alike natural ; we, as in divers other i places,,tranflate it by way of limilitude ]Van is born unto trouble,.as,thefparksfly upward ; Soyob 34.3.. the ear tryeth w rds, and, the mouth teethmeat ; we tranflate the Fu á1.1'2 copulative by a comparative; The ear tryetbwords, as the mouth eflicintttts. teethmeat. Again,Mark, 9 49'. Every one !ball befattedwith ,, flíetapborice al every facrifice is Jolted with fait ; The fenfe lies in the ferrumt fagittaa fimilitude, Every one!hall befatted with fire, a every facrifics is :ncsiefcentm7 quitquid fatted with fah , It is an alhafion to the old facritices, where- velar in aero in fait wascontinually ufed ; fo here, titan it born unto trouble., five fcinttitta-,. rend thefparks, that is, as thefpark t fly upward. five f giucr,, , fs-tbefparks d The Hebrewis, The fons of the cole ; the funs ve 61141, . at childrenof the cole, are fparks; blow a cole, and prefently a `spark is begottenand born ; therefore the Hebrew elegancie calls fparks, Thefons or children of the cote.. And it is obferváble; that by a metaphor this word fignifies in the Hebrew, the Heat of an Arrow heatedwithmotion,asalfo,a bird flying in the ayre;- and the reafon is, becaufe birdsoflye up in the ayre , they af- ccsa l