224_ Char. 5. An Expof tiers opera the Beek of J O B. Verf. 7. cend naturally ,they flye about and flutter, like fparks of fire in the air. Hence the vulgar and forne others tranflate the words Man it born unto trouble, as the birds flye upward, The Septua- Ntocnal . gint, as the young Vulturesflye upward, others, as .theyoungone: yu PÓs rcìv -44- of the Eagle flye upward : Aber Ezra a learned Rabbin,makes of ñd Ir .rarTdt of that fenfealto, and gives the glofs thus, ar it it natural and in. Sept. nate for birds to flye, fo it ,ía natural for man to fuller trouble,. 1vfc'er, éé Hence obferve, furti, ciaTwr, óm- put. Sorrow and fin, are the portion, and all the portion, that man Non fag, ad bath by nature. He is born to thefe. .srumnar @!' They whoare afcended to thegreateft heights,and have got the mrferíaa brc g reate flock, either of fpiritual oroutward comforts, were born tonothing but a cup of forrow, to the bread of atflidion, and to swam innaum; the waters of adveilty : And thefe we are inflated in,yea poffef- cJ? P narura. fed of as loon as we are born ; we need not wait the death of our le fcfntilre is parents for this inheritance, they devide it all to every child, and nih:siti otn yet keep it all to themfelves : all our real comforts are from our niat ru infub. Y P a lime arrollan- fecond birth, and have their pedigree from the blefling and love ofGod.Therefore the Aporde puts that general queflion, what haft thou, that thou haft not received? that is, what good haft thou ? Thou haft all thy evil from thy felfa but whatfoever good thou haft, was received from above ; all our good is founded in free Grace. Secondly, obferve, That All fins and farrows are contained virtually in the' nature of than. Though a-man cloth not formally`commit or bring forth every fin,though a man loth not formally beare every affliffion,or ta(te every cup of forrow; yet virtually and radically a man hathevery fin in him, or it is poffible for any fin to be formed rand fhaped out . of the nature of man : Radically alto every man hath every afffi- ûion all forrowes in him ; and the jufiice of God, may form the anon dreadful fhapt afflictions out of his 'fns : And as the fpark lyes clofely in the fire, or the flint,till you fmite or blow them rap, fo,fin lies fecretly in our hearts, till form temptation or occafion finites and brings it out. Again we may obferve, That Man can fin without a teacher. You need not in1ìru FMtn, or teach him to do evil. He doth that by a natural infiiná tiñce his nature was corrupted. He fins as the (parks fly upwards, or as a bird flies in the air, whomno than dire ts, how to Life her wings, nature tur. blese. ,agmuli6sr?