226 Chap. 1.. An Expoftion upon the $ookof ] O B. Verf. 1t.?9tZ ,,: bilitíesofa regenerate man, are dire&Iy oppofite CO thofe of a na turai man The one cannot fin,theother cannot buttin : the one can do nothing against the truth, the other can do nothing for the truth ; gracious ads become as natural, as tìnful', when nature is changed from fin to-grace. What blcfled change is this that man thoulddo good as readily, as once hè.did evil ; that, he who was born free to iniquity, thould be re-born free to righteoufjefs, as the (parks flye upward. A godly man is a heavenly 'park: He hath a fire in his nature, which carries him upward for ever. Thus having opened thefe two verles, being thegrounds of the following exhortation ; let us now examine the matter ofthe ex, hortation it felf, contained in the 8th. verfe. Verle 8. hvould feek unto God, and untoGodwould I com- mit my caufe. Our T-ranflation omits one word in the beginning of this fen. tence, which though it may he under(ood-in our reading, yet the expreflion ofit betters the fenfe. Surely,or truly Iwouldfeel, &c. There are two opinions about the meaning of thefe words ; Some conceive,that Eliphaz (peaks in high contempt oflob : and I may give you-their fenfe, by that proud fchooling, which the Pharifee gave thepoor Publican;Luke IS. As that Pharifee inful- ted over the Publican, thus,I thankGod Iam notfuck a one as thou art, &c. but Ifaft andpray, &c. So, they reprefent Eliphaz here infultingover Job, I thankGod, I am not fucb an impatientperJón as thou art, nofuch rude curfer ofmy day, or complainer ofmy trou- ble ; I am not I thank God) fodifirai'led, andfo. difiempered as thou art ; and if I had been in thy cafe, I fhould have¡hewedmore wit, andgrace too,then,to do,as thou haft done; Ithouldnever have been fó vain andfoolifh,fo forgetful ofmyown duty or the Lords Sove- raignity,as, tocry out agáinJt and accufe his providence and dealings with me, to lay about me like a mad man, ° as thou haft done ; no, I would havefought unto God, and committed mycaufe: unto him,this fhostldhavebeen my:courf,fucb and fetch theframe and temper ofmy MM. But I rather -take thefe words ina:good 'fare, implying much fweetnefs and rüeeknefs of fpirit in Eliphaz. And fo this = verfe is as in application of the Doctrine contained in the former two ; As ifEliphaz had faid,Seeing mattersJtand thus in rhemfelvese and t,h are undoubted troths, thataffliaiens. come. from our (elves