Chap. 5. An Expofitirx upon the Bak of J O B. Verre. 8. /ay felves, and that our fins are our own : and Peeing thy cafe Rands thus, that now thou art under great afjlietions and tr`oubles:, i doaffure thee my loving friend Job, were I in thy condition (`I will give theefaithful courtfel, and tell thee my heart, what I would do ) I would no longer 'fay complaining againft my day, curling creatures, diftempering my head, and difquieting my heart with there papaw ; but, Iwould even go and addrefs my felfunto God, 1 > would apply myfelf to Heaven, I would Peek for remedy there, earth affords it not. I have ever found this way theway to cafe my heart when burdened ; to affwage my forrowes, when en- creafed ; to compofe my fpirit, when diltrac$ed ; to flrengthen my refolutions, when unfetled : I can give thee this rule with (A Probatumejt j an affurance frommine own experience, in the ufe of it, and with clearnefs of confcience, that it ismypurpofe in fuch cafes toufe it ever. I would feekunto God.] The word fignifes a very diligent ?g cut fearch ; I would Peek exa&ly and enquire laboriouflyunto God. geihir¢dili- It lignifies to Peek by asking quellions or by interrogating : And gamer Cr! cum it imports reeking with much wifdome and skill.; a curious ora cure +Iedrnacr - critical enquiry ; So Ecclef; 1.13. I gave my heart ( faith Salo "Saone -& mon) to Peek and fearch out by wifdome. And this reeking im übxuttuü. plies four things. Fitti, a fuppohtion and a fenteóf our wants ; no man leeks that which he hathalready, or, but thinks he hath it. He that is full loathes a honey:combe. Secondly, a'llrong delire to find that which we want ; it notes not a bare delre only,or woulding, but a kind of'unquietnefs,ó'r relllefilnefs till we find : fuch a delire took hold of David. Pfal'. I 32. 4. I will not give rejtto mine eyes,norHumber to mine eye -lids, until Ifind out a placefor the Lord, or, until I find the Lord.. Thirdly, acare to be direr ed about theen means which may fat. cilitate the finding or recoveryof what we waitt,and thus earnefi- ly delre. A feeking fpirit, is a careful fpirit, after light and counfel. Fourthly, Adiligent and faithful endeavour, in or about the ufeof thole means,to which counfel direCfs tiffs. Through defirea man havingfeparatedbimfelf, feeketb andintermedteth with all v f= dome,Prov. 1S. t. That is, he is very indullrioús in purfu ng thole advices, which wifdome (hews him,or, which are Chewed him, as the wayesof wifdome. A lazyfpirit is unfit to feek. Gg2 Isvozsld