248 Chap: 5., An Expofition upen the Bookof J OB.. Ierf. . , I would ftek, unto God, andunto Godwould I commit my eaufe. Iñ the former claufe, the word for, God is El;. and in the latter, Elohim, bothnames note the.power ofGod , El, notes power or ft"rength to aI and execute"; ELLhim,poweror authority to judge and determine.l wouldfeekuntoEl,The ffrong God I would commit my caule to Elobim, The Mighty God As if he had laid : Thou art in a weak and:low condition, now therefore Peek untoGod, the ffrongGod, the mighty God, who .is, able to deliver thee. Thou wanteft the helpof fucha friend as he. The Hebrew, word for word. is thus rendred.`Vitro God would I put my words, or turn my fpeech. We reach the meaning fully, rcndring,`I nto GodIwould commit mÿ caufe, or put my cafe. rm,celt The . terme which, we.tianflate, cattle, fìgnitìesany buGnefs or 11ï.333 caufe, but molt proPer.ly a word; Explicite prayer it the turning Stiny`carver of ourtbougbï: into .wrd:, or theputting of our cafe to God, It is i um,vcr mr withthe fpeaking to, or .. a pleading ..wit Lord. The Septuagint is clear in:t is-fenfe, l would deprecate the Lord,I would call upon the vs committers Lord, thegoverxourof all - ,.things. 7r;;;;;",r. Both :thefe lignifications of the word pare profitable forus, and congruous with the fcope of the Text, Iwouldtorn myBeech ororno iArcx , andprayer, or I would commit my caufeunto God. Airopare The committingof our caufe to God,notes a reGgnationofour 6egt. felves and our condition into the hands of God :. It is as much as to fay, Let God do what he will, or determine what he plea feth concerning me, I will not 'hiveor contend about, queftion or dif- pute his decifion or judgment of my- .caufe : I .will.lay my fell down at his feet, and:tell'himhow the cafe Rands with me ; then, let him do withme, what teems good in his eyes : This is the committing ofour caufe,and condition unto God. And the Origi- nal word here ufed for God, doth very well fuit-and correfpond with this fenfe; iron/ commit my caufe unta God, unto Elohim, the great and impartial judge ofHeavenand Earth; the God who loves Judgment, and the habitation of whore :Throne is righte- oufnefs : The God who knows how to difcern exactly between caufe and caufe, perfgn and perron, and will undoubtedly give a righteous fentence concerning every caufe.and perron, that comes before him. Unto this Elohim would I commit ..my caufe, and refer my fçlf to his arbitration. Obferve firft in the general ; Eliphaz having reproved job, turnes himfelfto:counfel.and exhortation;. From which we may learn, That fir