Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

hap. 5. Eln Expofition upon the fiól of O B, Verf. 8. 29 it it our duty to reprove a fault in our ùrotire Jü it le our dutyto sdvife" and counfel him bow to amend, or came out of that fault, for which roe reprove him. It is not enough to efpy an error, but we muff labour to redifie it°; or to t,11 another that he is out of the way, but we mutt en- deavour to reduce him. Many can efpy faults aad tailings in others, who- either know not how, or care not to reform and help them out. Secondlyobferve, That It is a duty to exhort and excite our brethren to thofe duties, wherein wefind themflackandnegligent. Eliphaz conceived, that fob was much behind in the duty of prayer and feif- refìgnation untoGod, and therefore he quickens him np toit. The Apostle calls us to this Chrifian infpedîion (Heb. 3. 13.) Exhort one another daily, leaJk any of you he hardned through the deceitfullnefs offin ; fingrowing and getting flrength, hardens the heart ; it is beft to oppofe it betimes, and therefore he bids themdo it at all times, Exhort one another daily. Though the Apofile Peter 2 Pet. a. 12.) was pertwaded of the Saints etta- blithment in the present truth; yet (faith he) P will not'ceafè to put you alwayeo in remembrance of thefe.things. It is a dange- rous error ( which fome hold) that the Saints in this life may out grow counfel and exhortation; as if there were no need,to bid a godly manpray and leek unto God, no need to bid a god- ly man repent; or humble himfelf or believe, he cannot but do thefe things (fay they) thefe are connatural to him. They arc indeed to the new man within him;-but let themwithalremcmber, that the ncglet ofall there duties, is as connatural to the old man within him: While there are two men within us, we had need every man to look, not only toone, but toone another. It may go ill with the better part, the new man, if while he path an enemy within-to oppofe him, he Bathnot a friend without to help him. On this ground (befides the command of Christ) the ho- licit man on earth, may be exhorted, to look to his hoiinefs none are in more danger than they,who think theyare paldanger And, as it is a certain argument, that a man was never good,if he defires not to be better ; fo it is a great argument, that a man was never good, who fears not that he may be worfe. They who are . truly affured they cannot fell fromgrace,are allured alto that they may fall in grace,and fall into tin The foundation ofGod Rands Cure, but the footing of man doth not and therefore,Let bina G g 3 that