- o Chap. l., An Expofition Kean th. gook of J O B. \retf. g. that flandr, take heed !call yefall: And let them who fee their . brethren, heedlelly falling, lend them the right hand of exhorta- tion to raife them up again: and when they are carelefs of,or wan- dring from the Lord, lead them by the hand of caunfel,into wages where he may be found. I wouldPeek unto God. Obferve in the third place ; That We ought to manageour exhortations with meeknefs and tender. nefs. This ofEliphaz is a mild and tender exprt(läon ; and tomake it more_eafe he puts the exhortation (as was noted before) in the firft, not in the fecond perfon ; he Both not fay, feting afiliaions come not from the ground, and that man is born unto trouble, therefore dothou leek unto God, and do thou commit thy caufe unto God ; but feting thy cafe is thus, trulybrother, I advife thee as I would advife mineawn foul;geekuntoGod. ,It moves ftrong lyand gains upon the affeaionof another, to tell him, we would do the things our felves, which we dtfire he thould, and we with him, as we do our own fouls. Fourthly, obferve, That It is both our wifedome andour duty in (dieter afflietionr tofiekun- so God. I would ( faith Eliphaz ) if lwere in thy cafe, leek unto God. Unto whom fh©uld we go, butuntoGod ? He is our belt friend, when it is bett with us, and he is our only friend, when it is ill with us : all other friendswill be Phyfitians of no value, as job himfelffound them, thereforefeekuntoGod. As the Difciples laid unto Chrift, when Chritt asked them, Will ye alto go away ? Whither /hall . we go (fay they) for thou hall the words of eternal life? So faith the foul in afictions, To whom (hall Igo ? Unto this creature or that creature, unto this friendor that friend ? No, I will feek untoGod. That is the wifeff and fhorteft courfe : all other ,courfesare about,ifnot in vain. Other wages may be ufed as helps, but thismull pitch mainly upon God. When we are dire&ed to ftek unto God in afiEtions, it fpeaks four things. Fill, To leek unto Godabout the caufe ofour aiTh lions, define that God would informe us, what his-mind is in feuding filch}an affliaion, or what it is he aims at, in fending it.A>fdilhons are the Lords mefengers, andwe Jhould "never be quiet, till we know their errand. This it is which lob complained of in the thirdChap- ter, That his way was hid,which was expounded,that he knewnot tht